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The Big Tree (Marijuana)


Marijuana Plants

Marijuana Plants

The tree of the marijuana has been brought by JAH, the almighty.

He told us here is the green grass for you to prosper. I'm French, but this is what I think, smoking weed doesn't make you a criminal.

Some experiences made in the 70's on the green chimpanzee (La Recherche) show that it makes you more peaceful others just smoke it to make oneself feel high.

That’s the purpose but I think there is even more than that in ganja.

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Feb 23, 2011
4:20 for life
by: Anonymous

I have been smoking the green since 1969 and I am very careful where I smoke the stuff. I have never been busted for smokin' even when I lit up in front of a cop. Now days it's not the '60s and '70 where you did time for a seed on the floor of your car. Your lucky all you got was expelled. For now on don't be tokin' up at school or at school functions.

Oct 26, 2009
I got arested for smoken the plant :(
by: Anonymous

Last Friday night was my schools homecoming dance my first one cuz I'm only a freashman and boom I was with my homies token out of my steam roller And then the popo's come out of No were and let my friends go but arrested me and I got expelled from school.

it's my first offense. I'm 14 years old and I'm already doping out I didn't think that would happen LOL. That is my stroy about the peace plant but I still and Always will smoke the plant. 420 for life!

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