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Seriously considering SBI now

by Nizam
(Pembroke Pines, FL, USA)


Congratulations on your website! It looks really great and it is already inspiring me.

I am wondering though what would I write about? I too am from the Caribbean. I was born in Guyana but left very, very young to go to Barbados, so I don't know much about Guyana.

I was part of the exodus of Guyanese who left the country in the 70's.

My passion is tennis, yet I went to school to be a math teacher. I am also interested in natural and alternative health. I also like to surf the web, write (when I don't have writer's block)

Do you think SBI can help me identify and help me build a great webpage like yours around one of my passions?

Your site is truly comprehensive!! One day I would like to visit Jamaica. I have even seen ads on tv, with the Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt :-)

I also love Jamaican patties.


ANSWER: May 07, 2010 by Wellesley Gayle

Hi Nizam,

Thank you for the great feedback, I am glad to hear that my site has inspired you. I am very proud of my site and the work I've done on it, but I owe much of my success to SBI.

It sounds like you already have some great site theme options; tennis, math and alternative health.

Yes, SBI can help you to narrow those options and make a final selection based on several criteria. For example, your level of passion, knowledge, available information, and profitability potential.

Nizam, there are hundreds of SBIers that started out just like you - with just a passion, and now they are very successful and proud SBI site owners. Here are a few of them.

They basically ask us to bring our passion and they'll do the rest. That's what I did, and what those I suggested did as well.

If you have not yet done so, please take a look at their free video tour. It will explain everything I've just said, plus more - and much better.

I feel your passion Nizam, so I am confident you'll do well, I can't wait for you to join our SBI family!

Please keep me posted my friend.

Proud SBI owner.

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Aug 26, 2013
by: Anonymous

Show us a few of your earning statements.

Editor's Note

My pleasure Anon(ymous).
I actually have that in the free report I give away.

You can get it here...

You'll love it!

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