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Rent A Villa In Jamaica
Reasons To Book A Villa On Vacation

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Idle Awhile Villas NegrilRent A Villa In Jamaica | Idle Awhile Villa - Negril

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Most tourists who decide to vacation in Jamaica have heard about villas, but choose not to take advantage of this option due to ignorance or misleading information. Hotels and all-inclusive resorts are widely advertised and simple to book.
Villas aren't well recognized and many believe that villas are always overly expensive and should be reserved for the rich and upper echelon of society. This is totally untrue.

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Why would you want to rent a Jamaican villa over staying in an all-inclusive hotel?

1. Privacy

Instead of being surrounded by people at an all-inclusive resort, you will have excellent privacy and space to unwind with friends or family. Most villas are roomy and furnished either cosily or opulently.

Many are situated on sizable, exquisitely landscaped grounds, some having great ocean views as well. The majority have air conditioning or ceiling fans, private pools, and private bathrooms in the bedrooms.

If you are on vacation, the privacy that villas provide will definitely help you to relax and de-stress. And isn’t that what vacations are all about?  Keep in mind that there are no lines to stand in, no meal reservations required, and no crowds.

2. Personal Attention and a Real Local Experience

The personnel at huge hotels and all-inclusive resorts try to be as attentive as possible. Quite often, you have little to no complaints after staying at an all-inclusive. But imagine your very own staff whose only job is to cater to your needs.

You will find that many villas have a cook, housekeeper, laundress and gardener on staff. In most cases, these persons have worked together at this same location for many years which contributes significantly to the villa experience.

Due to their attachment to their amazing employees and the personalized service they receive, many guests stay at the same villa year after year. The staff will also ensure that you get the best experience on the island possible and will have in-depth knowledge of the best excursions and tours.

3. The Food

Fantastic chefs work in villas. Whether you like to dive in and enjoy only Jamaican cuisine, want to stick to American cuisine or try something a bit more exotic. You get to decide.

You might ask the cook to "surprise" you with some Jamaican dishes, or you can arrange your meals with them before a hand the dishes you would like and about any dietary restrictions or concerns you may have.

It may even be a learning experience for you as you can have a seat and watch how the chef prepares this. The meal might be so delicious that you won't want to consider eating out.

4. Cost

Assume that you could get all of this for less than you would spend on a typical hotel or all-inclusive resort stay. The cost of a villa per person ranges from $450 to $1,000 per week, with normal prices for some luxurious resorts ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 per week and most homes accommodate six to ten individuals.

The typical cost per person per week is between $750 to $1,500 when food, ground transportation, taxes, and tips are included.

Basic Standards of A Luxury Villa

What you should look for when choosing your villa, especially if you are looking for a luxury experience:

- Features and amenities - A luxury villa should, at the very least, have a swimming pool, on-site personnel, a sufficiently large living space, a beautifully furnished dining area, and a fully furnished, modern kitchen.

These rooms ought to be meticulously planned and opulently decorated, with every convenience and pleasure associated with contemporary life, including an entertainment system and internet connection.

- Staff and services - Without a knowledgeable and committed team to manage the facilities and foster the atmosphere of effortless relaxation that is the hallmark of a positive visitor experience, a luxury villa isn't truly luxurious.

A quality villa is staffed with maids and housekeepers, handymen and landscapers, chefs, the villa manager, and the concierge to attend to individual needs and make additional arrangements. It is important to not that not every villa comes with a full staff included in the price, some come at additional costs.

Depending on the amenities of the specific location, additional staff may also be present, such as security, drivers, spa therapists, fitness trainers, and more.

- Design - One of the most crucial components of any villa is its general design. This includes architecture, landscaping, interior design, furniture, etc. These elements work together to create the entire ambience and experience of being in a luxury villa.

With a distinct personality that manifests itself in the overall aesthetic of the structure, its surrounds, and its interior, the best luxury villas are certainly a sight to behold.

- Location - Even if a villa meets all of the aforementioned criteria with flying colours, it may still lack a desirable location for you. Although guests have a wide range of preferences for their location such as closeness to specific locations, preferred landscapes, etc.

Of course, these are just the basic standards. The villa of your choice should meet the criteria that you are looking for.

When it comes down to it, villas are great options for vacation, and depending on what you are looking for, may be a better option than an all-inclusive resort.

To get the best of both worlds, you can choose an all-inclusive resort with private villas as well. 

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References & Sources For Rent A Villa In Jamaica

  1. Why rent a Villa in Jamaica?, 
  2. 5 Basic Qualities of What We Consider a Luxury Villa,

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