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Remembering September 11 - Ten years on!

by Wellesley

Pictures of 9/11/2011<br>(

Pictures of 9/11/2011

Americans everywhere are reflecting and in some cases commemorating the horrific events of 9/11/2001.

It is a day that will never be forgotten for centuries to come. Not only did it shake America, the entire world was shaken!

And that 'shake' has change the way we live today, all of us, unless you are living in some cave in the figurative 'TimBucTu'...just think about how security (especially at the airports) have changed.

It has also changed the face of the world; we now all have a brand new lens, don't we?

My heart goes out to all the families, friends and relatives of those who perished, but more so, the entire America and in fact, all well-thinking people across the globe.

From what I read and heard, several events and activities are planned across the US to commemorate the events. For many this is a worthy reflection, but for some, it will revive and awaken the fear, anger, pain, heartache and distress that they went through.

That said, I like this; a quote from the USA Today: "This 10th anniversary gives the nation an opportunity not just to remember the victims, as it should, but also to reassess the threat.” After all, evil will always continue to seek ways to destroy good.

America and my American peeps, on behalf of all Jamaica, we share your memories and pray that the American people will use this to strengthen their resolve, find greater unity and common purpose as they seek to rebuild a powerful nation.

We love you. God Bless America.

By the way, where were you when this happened 10 years ago- on 9/11? Please share your comments below.

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Sep 12, 2011
sad memories
by: Anton

On 911 i was working when an employee rushed to me telling me what had happen. Well i will not go into any details i am trying to avoid broken down .Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Sep 11, 2011
we are all one
by: jay

Wes, thanks for remembering us today and showing us love. May freedom continues to ring in the USA and abroad in my fav island... Can't wait to be back on your soil again next month.

Sep 11, 2011
by: beentravelin

Thanks for taking the time to write a few words in memorium of that sad day 10 years ago.

I didn't wake until about 10am that day and my girlfriend had just came home from the grocery store and said they were playing an audio feed of a newscast over the P.A. system.

Something about the country being under attack. I quickly turned on the TV and stood there in awe.

I specifically remember getting a cold chill. I'm not an advocate of war but I a very proud that the US has made a commitment to seek out and eliminate these horrible people behind this cowardly attack.

Sep 11, 2011
"Remembering September 11 - Ten years on!
by: Terri


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