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Reggae Music Singer Sugar Minott Has Passed On

by Wellesley

Sugar Minott

Sugar Minott

I just heard on Irie FM news that reggae music singer Sugar Minott has passed off. He died in a hospital in Kingston Jamaica yesterday.

Sugar Minott began his music career in 1969 by joining The African Brothers. In the start of 1970s his band released many singles. Other band member were Derrick Howard and Tony Tuff and the released these singles on their own Ital label and Micron.

In 1974, his band worked for producer Rupie Edwards and recorded "Mysterious Nature". After that for studio one, they recorded "No Cup No Broke" and it was done shortly before their separation. After band split Minott joined producer Clement "Coxsone" Dodd.

He started his work as a guitarist and singer there and later he recorded his singles. He was so much creative and had abilities to write new songs according to latest rhythms. His songs proved popular and sometime gained more fame then the original one.

More on him here:

Posted: 7/11/10 11:56AM

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Jul 12, 2010
Re: Sugar Minotts passing
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for the information. Much appreciated site.

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