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Jamaica's Rastafari Indigenous Village
In Pictures & Video!

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Jamaica's Rastafari Indigenous VillageRastafari Indigenous Village

"Take a trip across the river, it is cooling to your feet, your mind, body and soul"  - Ifana (Rasta Indigenous Village)

If you are seeking a different kind of activity or adventure, do yourself a special favour and take a trip to what I call the 'cradle' of Rastafarian faith, roots and culture, The Indigenous Rastafarian Village in rural, St. James.

I journeyed there for one of their monthly IRITS event, thanks to Cherri and JahB, and was fascinated by the love, the lifestyle, the food, everything!

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This IRITS event, by the way, is a showcase of Jamaican and Rastafarian culture, practices, talents and products.

This month, the feature was the artisans, wood carvers and local natural products.

In Summary

If you asked me to 'sum up' the visit, by sharing the highlights, I'll tell you I saw / enjoyed:

  • The cashew cheese
  • The authentic all-natural products, including soaps and spices
  • The Yardy Vibes Mento Band
  • The Rastafarian drummers
  • VSpot and their delicious vegetarian sip
  • The amazing display of sculpting
  • My friend Cherri's 'Love story' book presentation.
  • The wide array of traditional Jamaican and Rastafarian craft items
  • And just the overall, nice, positive vibes of the environment!

I won't leave you hanging tough, here are some captivating photos (below) as well as a video.

Pics Of The Journey To The Village

As an avid Montegonion, we took the back road to get there, and wasn't it a treat? We got some great views and absolutely enjoyed the lush greenery.

rastafari_indigenous_village_jamaican_castor_oil_fieldJamaican castor oil fields along the way
rastafari_indigenous_village_fever_grassFever Grass
rastafari_indigenous_village_calabashThe Calabash

Pictures Of The Rastafari Village

rastafari_indigenous_village_gazeboThe Gazebo at the Rasta Village
rastafari_indigenous_village_irits_center_stageCenter Stage For Performances
rastafari_indigenous_village_sovereign_statesRastafarian Sovereign States In Jamaica

Writings On Rastafari Beliefs

rastafari_indigenous_village_no_meatRastafari Belief On Meat Eating
rastafari_indigenous_village_beliefsRastafari Harmony Belief
rastafari_indigenous_village_muralsFyah Pon Babylon
rastafari_indigenous_village_star_firesideThe FIRE side

Crafts and Jewelry On Display

rastafari_indigenous_village_sculpture_artRastafarian Art
rastafari_indigenous_village_artist_craftsRastafari Craft On Display
Drums at the Rastafari VillageHand Made Drums At The Rasta Village
rastafari_indigenous_village_jewelry_gift_shopRastafarian Gift Shop Items

Food & Medicine

rastafari_indigenous_village_roasted_breadfruitBreadfruit Roasting At The Rasta Village
rastafari_indigenous_village_plantain_cashew_cheeseFried Plantain with Jamaican Cashew Cheese
rastafari_indigenous_village_vegetarian_soupRastafarian Village Vegetarian Soup
Indigenous Jamaican Cocoa (chocolate) BeansIndigenous Jamaican Cocoa (chocolate) Beans
rastafari_indigenous_village_kitchenThe Rastafarian Kitchen
rastafari_indigenous_village_vegatarian_mealRastafarian Vegetarian Meal
Fresh Fruits From Rastafarian VillageFresh Fruits From Rastafarian Village

Medicinal Products & Plants

rastafari_indigenous_village_queenKing Of The Forest - Rasta Village
rastafari_indigenous_village_all_natural_soapRastafari Soap - All Natural
rastafari_indigenous_village_natural_productsAll Natural Jamaican and Rastafarian Products

& The Entertainment

Yardy Vibes Mento Band Plays at Rastafari Indigenous VillageYardy Vibes Mento Band Plays at Rastafari Indigenous Village

By the way, I have a special video on these guys, the Yardy Vibes mento band. They performed the song, Born Jamaican. You can click this link to watch it.

rastafari_indigenous_village_drummingDrumming at the Rastafari Indigenous Village In Jamaica

And even better, I knew you'd expect it, and so I created a video of the event for you. It includes a walkthrough, interview of some of the suppliers with products displayed and of course, the mento band and the drumming.

Here is it below, you'll love it!

VIDEO! Watch My Full Video Of IRITS from the Rastafari Village On YouTube

Before I Go....

I didn't want to overwhelm you with pictures, but I thought I'd share these with you....

These are fundamental quotes and beliefs by prominent Rastafarians that were proudly displayed in the gazebo area. 

Other Quotes and Beliefs


All in all, it was a fun and fascinating experience!  It is a wonderful vibration.

I agree with one of the female Rastafarians, who noted.

"IRITS is about us, identifying our self in a space that we have created. It is a sharing space, a conversation space. Its a space where we believe that if you work with the natural environment, and respect humanity, people and each other, this is the space for you".

If not already done, be sure to watch the video above, you'll enjoy it!

Contact Information For The Rasta Indigenous Village

Address: Montego River Gardens, Porto Bello Dr, Montego Bay
Phone:  Firstman -(876) 285-4750

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