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9 Most Popular Alcoholic Drinks In Jamaica

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red_stripe_jamaica_beer_flavours9 Popular Alcoholic Drinks In Jamaica

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

A big part of our Jamaican culture is to just hang out with our family and friends. This may look a little different for everyone but in many rural areas like where I am from it is as simple as meeting under a street light with a table, a few stools and a box of dominoes. But one thing is universally Jamaican, whether you are in the rural or urban areas, uptown or downtown, is having a drink.

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I am not talking about any extra fancy mixed drinks though, I am talking about the simple ones we can grab anywhere, a corner shop, supermarket, bar, restaurant etc. These drinks are our most popular and our go-to. I already shared with you how we drink our rum, but these alcoholic drinks I’m about to share with you only require you to pop the lid and have a drink. No chasers are needed. So here are some popular alcoholic drinks in Jamaica.

1. Magnum


Type: Fortified Wine
Alcohol Percentage: 16.5%

I’m kicking this off with magnum because not only is it my favourite on this list, but it’s also the strongest. You have to be very careful with this one. The overall sweetness of the drink will distract you from how strong it is. Magnum Tonic Wine is a popular fortified wine that contains 16.5% alcohol and is infused with herbal extracts, often marketed as an energy booster and sexual stimulant. Widely enjoyed in bars, parties, and casual settings, Magnum is a go-to drink for those seeking a quick buzz or looking to enhance their vitality.

2. Guinness


Type: Stout
Alcohol Percentage: 4.2%

Guinness is quite popular around the world as well. It is known for its bold, dark appearance and creamy texture, Guinness is a rich stout brewed with roasted barley, giving it a distinctive bitter yet smooth flavour. In Jamaica, Guinness is often seen as more than just a drink—it’s considered a source of strength and energy, believed to have health-boosting properties. Some locals even mix it with condensed milk or egg as a form of tonic. With its robust flavour and association with vitality, Guinness remains a popular choice, especially among those looking for something with more body and depth.

3. Red Stripe Beer


Type: Lager
Alcohol Percentage: 4.7%

Red Stripe is Jamaica’s iconic beer, characterised by its light golden colour, crisp taste, and balanced malt and hop flavour. With an alcohol content of around 4.7%, it’s easy to drink and perfect for any occasion, from casual gatherings to big celebrations. Red Stripe’s distinctive stubby bottle is instantly recognisable, making it a cultural symbol of Jamaica. It’s not just a drink; it’s a part of the Jamaican lifestyle, often enjoyed cold straight from the bottle while relaxing on the beach or at a festive event.

4. Red Stripe Flavored Beer

Type: Flavored Lager
Alcohol Percentage: 3.6%

Building on the classic Red Stripe, the brand also offers a range of flavoured beers, including sorrel, lemon, and melon. These varieties provide a lighter, fruitier twist on the original, catering to those who prefer a touch of sweetness in their beer. With a lower alcohol content than the standard lager, Red Stripe flavoured beers are refreshing, easy to drink, and particularly popular during summer or festive seasons when lighter drinks are in demand.

5. Dragon Stout

Type: Stout
Alcohol Percentage: 7.5%

Dragon Stout is a robust, sweet stout that packs a punch with its higher alcohol content (about 7.5%) compared to other beers. It’s darker and thicker than Guinness, with a rich caramel flavour and hints of molasses, making it a favourite among stout enthusiasts. Often considered the “stronger cousin” of Red Stripe, Dragon Stout is great for those looking for something more intense. It’s perfect on its own or as part of a mixed drink with condensed milk or other ingredients to create traditional Jamaican tonics.

6. Rum Cream


Type: Cream Liqueur
Alcohol Percentage: Around 15-17%

A luscious blend of Jamaican rum, cream, and flavours like vanilla and chocolate, Rum Cream is a smooth, sweet liqueur that’s often enjoyed over ice or mixed into cocktails. With an alcohol content of around 15%, it’s not as strong as straight rum, but it offers a rich, dessert-like experience. Rum Cream is versatile, often used in Jamaican Christmas cakes, or as a topping for ice cream and other treats, adding a boozy touch to your favourite desserts.

7. Red Label Wine

Type: Fortified Wine
Alcohol Percentage: Around 13.7%

Red Label Wine is a sweet, fortified wine known for its bright red colour and fruity taste. With an alcohol content of about 13%, it’s widely used in Jamaican celebrations, from weddings to holiday gatherings. It’s a key ingredient in Jamaican black cake and other traditional desserts, adding depth and flavour. Red Label is also enjoyed on its own, typically served neat or over ice, making it a versatile drink for both social and casual settings.

8. Stone Ginger Wine

Type: Ginger Wine
Alcohol Percentage: Around 13.9%

This spicy, warming wine is infused with ginger, giving it a distinctive kick that’s both sweet and fiery. Stone’s Ginger Wine is often mixed with rum to make the popular Jamaican drink “Rum and Stone,” or enjoyed straight for a warming, slightly tangy experience. It’s especially popular during the cooler months or holidays, offering a comforting and aromatic option that stands out among other wines.

9. Heineken

Type: Lager
Alcohol Percentage: 5%

Heineken, an international lager with a crisp, clean taste and a slightly bitter finish, has found a strong following in Jamaica. With an alcohol content of 5%, it’s a light and refreshing beer that pairs well with Jamaican cuisine. Heineken’s presence in bars, parties, and social gatherings makes it a popular choice for those looking for a familiar, high-quality beer with a refreshing taste that cuts through the island heat.

These popular alcoholic drinks in Jamaica are perfect for any setting that is about having fun, relaxing and enjoying good company. Which will you try first?

If you like these you will enjoy some of these popular resort drinks as well.

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References & Sources For Popular Alcoholic Drinks In Jamaica

  1. Offo, N. (2024, July 13). Benefits and side effects of magnum drink. Niyis African Supermarket.,result%20of%20its%20intoxicating%20effects

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