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Fun Pictures From
Point Village Resort Jamaica

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point village resort jamaicaEnjoying a game of netball with friends and co-workers at Point Village Resort Jamaica

I had to publish a few of them - these exciting pictures from Point Village Resort Jamaica!

Unless you are new to this website, you should already know how much I love to take pictures, especially on Jamaican excursions!

I have pictures on almost every page on this website, never mind my main pictures of Jamaica page.

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Anyway, it was our annual year end work trip and it was oooo soooo much fun - The best yet!

Before we went, there was some talk of how the buildings looked old and backward, but we got in and I was quite impressed!

We had loads of fun, food and frolic! Although I must admit, we had some really crazy fun-loving people in the team that made it a dream! It was probably about forty (40) of us.

The games coordinator at the resort was awesome!
I promise to get her name and tell you.

We engaged in:

  • Egg and Spoon Contest
  • Volley Ball
  • Sack Race
  • Karaoke Singing
  • Cricket - I started that up. It's my game!
  • Dancing
  • Hulla hoop - I think that's how it is pronounced.
  • Quizzes - I went to the finals and won a prize!
  • Boat Rides &
  • Lots more!

point_village_resort_sack_race point_village_resort_volley_ball
The Exciting Sack Race Volley Ball Time
point_village_resort_lunch point_village_resort_lunch_time
Lunch Time Hey There Gillian!
point_village_resort_hulla_hoop point_village_resort_boat_ride
Hulla Hooping!!!! The Boat Ride

But lots more pics, see the slideshow below!

Important Note: February 2017: has apparently ceased or sold out operations and those wonderful photos in the slide they hosted vanished :-( 

The above pictures should at least provide you the essence of the wonderful time we had though - I hope :-)

By the way, if you are looking for me, look for the guy in the blue shorts, crouched, when the netball was in the air (above) :-).

And,  be sure to check out my main pictures page for even more exciting pictures from Jamaica!

If you are looking to book your vacation with Point Village consider doing so via Hotels They ensures you get the best price by comparing prices from MANY different travel and hotel sites.

In addition, you can also get more pictures, reviews and other hotel details on the hotel right there. Walk Good!

Please make sure you subscribe to my free monthly e-zine My Island Jamaica Digest (MIJD) and stay with the latest from Jamaica!

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