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PM Announces Stronger Measures As Jamaica's Cases Jumps To 223

At another press briefing at Jamaica house this afternoon, Prime Minister, Andrew Holness announced new as well as extended measures aimed at combating the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus in Jamaica, which jumped today to 223. Twenty-six of the twenty-seven new cases are linked to the Alorica call center, according to the Health Minister, Hon. Christopher Tufton.

Here are the major points of note:

  1. An immediate decision was made to move the affected population of confirmed cases related to the call center in Portmore into a special quarantined area.

  2. Educational institutions remain close until May 31, but education continues online.

  3. Jamaica's borders will remain close until the 31st of May, with controlled re-entry provisions for Jamaicans.

  4. All BPO closed for a period of 14 days, commencing this Wednesday (12:01am Tuesday night)

  5. Work from home orders are extended for a further 14 days. Employers have a duty to review, support and adjust accordingly.

  6. Stay at home orders are extended for another 14 days.

  7. For next 14 days, the curfews will start at 6 pm and end at 6 am each morning.

  8. Work hours will now be from 8 am to 4 pm. However, supermarkets, corner shops and pharmacies will close at 5 pm.

  9. Markets will be open all week, except on Sundays, and up to 4 pm daily.

  10. The wearing of mask is now mandatory in all public spaces.

  11. The prohibition on social gathering continue for 14 days.

  12. Meanwhile, orders on social distancing now states 6 feet, instead of 3 feet.

    Regarding the current St. Catherine Lockdown...

  13. The St. Catherine orders remain (24 hour curfew) with exemptions for essential services and businesses, however, the days and times will now be shop on Wednesday, 6 am to 6pm. The alphabetic classification has also been removed.

    Thursday is designated a re-stocking day for the stores and Friday and Saturday are full shopping days, but the same rules apply.

    Note that Sunday is a no-movement day, but they will allow restocking. Monday is a shopping day as well but with the same conditions. Tuesday also another no-movement day.

    Pharmacies are allowed to remain open throughout the period of the measures, however on the no-movement days, they are only permitted to dispense pharmaceuticals. Bars and amusement places remain close.

  14. These new curfew rules starts at 6pm on the 22nd on April, 2020.

You can watch the full press briefing here on YouTube...

So what do you think about these changes? I welcome your comments.

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Apr 21, 2020
Thankfully the deaths are staying low
by: Cheri Avery Black

Sending healing, uplifting energy and love to all who are suffering, including those whose friends or family members have transitioned, no matter the cause, during this time of physical separation. Thankfully, the deaths from the COVID19 in Jamaica have remained low, although one was too many. I hope, based on the consciousness of infinite possibilities, that all have nutritious food and water, an inner place of peace, and are living in a state of gratitude...the best ingredients for keeping healthy.

Thank you, Wellesley, for helping keep us informed and connected.

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