Do you have a passion or hobby? What do you really love?
Better yet, is it an idea? Or is it movies, a favourite artist, or even a travel destination? Truthfully, it really doesn't matter; Solo Build It takes your passion and help you create a simple but profitable website. A fruitful small online business [real business] that makes you money $$$, simply by you doing what you really love. Solo Build It provides simple tools that shows you step-by-step how you can convert this theme into a money-making website! (Cha Ching!). Their proven 10 day guide is one of the most amazing tool you will come across online! I love the sport of cricket, but I concluded that what I love most is my country (Jamaica). And now I can proudly say to you that it this, the very same Solo Build It 10-day guide that I used to create this, my very own website! Now, you would think this site can be fairly helpful eeh? Go ahead, I will wait :-) How did it happen? Simple, A little passsion and the power of Solo Build It. By the way, please consider subscribing to my monthly newsletter, My Island Jamaica Digest (MIDJ) and keep up with the very latest from Jamaica! You may also subscribe to My Island Jamaica Mini-Blog . This RSS feed is a small blog about Jamaica (kind of a journal), which will also let you know whenever any new or changed Web pages appear on My-Island-Jamaica.com. It keeps you up-to-date with other special postings that you might otherwise miss. Look for the XML|RSS graphic on the links bar to the left of this page and subscribe there. |