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by Vandana Erin Ryder

The all-volunteer international non-profit organization has launched its most recent online viral campaign in support of MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary.

MAPS is a critical global initiative to protect the key Arctic Ocean ecosystem that keeps our planet cool.

"Why MAPS" is a series of thought-provoking graphics with impactful messaging that explains in no uncertain terms why MAPS must be realized now for our very survival.

The Arctic Ocean is our planetary life support system. The rapid disappearance of sea ice that has served as the Earth’s air conditioner for millions of years has profound and far-reaching consequences.

As the ice melts, the entire global climate system destabilizes, leading to extreme weather patterns that compromise the food and water supplies upon which lives everywhere depend.

MAPS establishes the Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle as a permanent international marine protected area free from all activities harmful to the life-giving sea ice, including commercial fishing, natural resource exploitation, seismic testing, military activity and through shipping traffic.

At the same time, MAPS catalyzes an immediate global pivot to renewable energies, and a paradigm shift from short-term greed to long-term good.

This profoundly practical yet effective response to so many problems facing our world today must be implemented now, before time and ice run out. 

To support the swift realization of MAPS, took the unprecedented step of creating the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary Treaty as an addendum to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The Treaty has been translated into all six official languages of the UN, distributed to all 193 member states, and brought every year since 2015 to UN Climate Conferences by volunteers at their own expense. It enters into force with the signatures of 99 states members of the UN or any of the specialized agencies, and has already been endorsed by two world leaders.

Why MAPS helps set the stage for’s upcoming innovative Global Education for MAPS (GEM) strategy that harnesses the exponential power of modern media to cool minds, lighten footprints, and awaken an unstoppable call for MAPS worldwide.

The Arctic Ocean sustains us all, but it can only protect us if we protect it. Although exploitation poses a tremendous threat, most people still do not yet realize the melting Arctic ice is a global emergency.

For MAPS to be established, the world needs to understand why the emergency is so dire for each one of us, and that MAPS will safeguard this endangered ecosystem while catalyzing the needed global shift to sustainability.

“We are all interconnected. The health of the Arctic sea ice affects us all,” says founder, CEO and visionary for MAPS, Parvati.

"The Why MAPS campaign explains why, for the sake of everyone and every living thing on the planet, MAPS must be realized immediately."

Find out more about Why MAPS here:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Vandana Erin Ryder
General Counsel,


Who is

- is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to a healthy planet.

- We are volunteers from around the world.

- We are committed to the immediate realization of the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (MAPS) to protect all life.

- Our long-term vision is to create a Global Peace Sanctuary, to address poverty and hunger around the world.

Who founded

- was founded in 2014 by the Canadian musician, author and activist Parvati, who gave the northernmost musical performance ever to raise awareness of the melting polar ice.

What is MAPS?

- MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary, declares the entire Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle an ocean preserve.

- It stops all activity in the Arctic Ocean that harms this vulnerable ecosystem.

- MAPS is the largest ocean preserve in history, representing approximately 3% of the world’s oceans. This fits naturally with the United Nations’ commitment to protect 10% of our oceans by 2020.

- Leading biologists call for us to protect 50% of the entire planet immediately to prevent mass extinction.

- MAPS is not an end goal, but a baseline necessity.

What does MAPS do?

- By making Arctic seabed oil and gas unavailable for extraction and exploitation, MAPS will accelerate a global shift from fossil fuels to renewable energies.

- As countries come together to sign the Treaty, our world moves from short-term individual gain to long-term collective good.

- MAPS is practical. It’s effective. And it’s immediately achievable.

Why do we need MAPS?

- The Arctic Ocean ice is our planet’s air conditioning system. It balances weather patterns globally so that we have the food and resources we need to survive.

- The white ice reflects 50% of the sun’s rays back into the atmosphere. But it is melting fast. - There is now 75% less summer ice in the Arctic Ocean than there was 50 years ago. The open ocean absorbs 90% of the sun’s rays, and today parts of the Arctic Ocean are now 4º C too hot.

- The Arctic Ocean is under threat as never before by corporations and governments that seek to profit from the unprecedented loss of ice.

-We are inherently and inescapably interconnected. What happens in the Arctic Ocean affects all life on Earth. We must act now to protect it.

Why MAPS now?

- All life on Earth depends on healthy, robust sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. But it’s in more danger than ever.

- As the ice melts at a staggering rate, businesses and governments are moving to take advantage of the Arctic Ocean’s resources for short-term gain for a few, instead of protecting this vulnerable, climate-regulating region for the benefit of all. This is a deadly error.

We must realize MAPS now to lead the way to a healthy and safe future for all.

How is MAPS realized?

- MAPS is being realized through the MAPS Treaty, an addendum to the UN Law of the Sea.

Under MAPS, the entire Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle will become an international peace park, free from exploitation of all kinds.

-The MAPS Treaty enters into force with the signatures of 99 world leaders, including those of the Arctic nations.

-Two nations to date have signed the MAPS Treaty and more signatures are expected soon.

Why did a nonprofit organization draft an international treaty?

- It needed to be done. We no longer live in an era when we have the luxury to consider one isolated region as if it were separate from the whole.

- has no political or religious affiliation and no financial interests in MAPS. Our interest is humanitarian.

- We know that all life everywhere has the fundamental right to be free from suffering, misery and lack.

Is supporting efforts for peace and sustainability, other than MAPS?

- Our sole focus at this time is MAPS because of its urgent role in protecting all life everywhere. It is the most powerful way to make a difference in the entire world.

- Hunger, natural disasters and mass migration are all factors in violent conflict. MAPS mitigates them all.

- Once MAPS is realized, we will broaden our focus to GPS: Global Peace Sanctuary.

Do you have any political affiliation?

- takes no political stance. The planet must be a healthy and safe home for all living creatures equally.

Does your organization have financial interest in MAPS in any way?

- No. The members of this not-for-profit are are all volunteers.

- Our interest is in our collective survival.

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