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OMG! Jamaica's Toni-Ann Singh Wins Miss World 2019

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Mainstream and social media across the globe are a buzz with the news that Jamaica's Toni-Ann Singh copped the prestigious Ms World title earlier today in London, England.

Toni-Ann won ahead of France, second, and India third in the glitzy Ms World event.

111 countries contested the 69th edition of the pageant.

The 23 year old Toni-Ann is actually is the fourth (4th) Jamaican beauty queen to be awarded this coveted title.

The others prior, in chronological order, were Carole Joan Crawford (1963), Cindy Breakspeare (1976) and Lisa Hanna (now Member of Parliament) in 1993.

She was selected to be Jamaica's contestant when the won the national title at the coronation in Kingston earlier (September 21) this year.

Ms Singh, who is from Bath in the parish of St. Thomas, is a graduate of Florida State University where she studied psychology and womens studies.

Before winning the title, she was reportedly taking a break before pursing medicine.

She tweeted, "To that little girl in St. Thomas, Jamaica and all the girls around the world - please believe in yourself. Please know that you are worthy and capable of achieving your dreams. This crown is not mine but yours. You have a PURPOSE." (Twitter)

Social media is on fire right now, but you and I don't want to guess what's happening in St. Thomas at this time.

In the meantime, let's raise of voices and say, CONGRATULATIONS TONI-ANN!

I welcome your comments.

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May 04, 2020
Congrats u,ve come a long way blessings
by: Sharon Tracey

Nuff love and respect am proud to b Jamaican u made us proud congrats again

Dec 14, 2019
we did it - again
by: proud jamaican

to the world!

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