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no idea of building a web site

by Marva


What if you have no idea of building a web site, how does this help?

Is there a step by step guide? You seem to have some knowledge on building a website.

ANSWER: January 26, 2010 by Wellesley Gayle

Hi Marva,

Good question! Yes, I have a good computer background, email, internet, etc. but I have NEVER built a site before; this is my very first website- and the only one so far!

I don't think I could have done it without SBI though.

To be honest, from my estimation, SBI just requires some fundamental understanding of the internet/computer and your BAM, and you'll be on your way.

BAM, in SBI terminology, is Brain and Motivation :-)

Is it not easy, but very very simple.
One of the great things about SBI is the simple, step-by-step guide they provide.

They have a proven, what they call 10 day action guide, that does just that!

There are hundreds of people who use that same, basic formula and are now boasting good online successes. Here are a few of them.

Understandably, even after the hundreds of cases, there are persons who are still a bit timid to the whole idea.

For those (hopefully not you) they have developed the SBI Elearning module.

This is a hands-on, easy-to-understand 12-week online course that keeps you on a steady week-by-week track to business-building success.

SBI has been good to me Marva, and I am confident it will for you.

Just bring your BAM :-).

If you have not yet done so, check out my SBI story.

And finally, take a look at the their free video tour. It will explain the process much simplier than I.

I hope this helps Marva.

Proud SBI owner.

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Feb 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

his might not be the one that i saw but it is the best one i have seen

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