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My brother's car accident - Saying 'Love & Thanks'

by Wellesley

car_from_driver _side

car_from_driver _side

I am writing this blog post, first to say thanks and show deep appreciation to the persons involved in the rescue & support of my brother after his miraculous survival from his car accident, and second, to update all my peeps who were sharing their kind words.

First, the 'unnamed lady' who picked him up on the street and left him with the highway patrol police; whoever you are madam - I suspect an angel, God Bless you.

To the Duncan's police; Detective Gordon and his team, thank you gentlemen. You proved that the Jamaica constabulary force still have good, decent and compassionate men and women. First for rushing my brother to the hospital (although you admitted you weren't sure he'd live - if still alive) and secondly, to hunt down his car that neither us - (the family) and you (the police) did not find until the next day. God Bless You, and indeed all the great police officers in Jamaica!

Thirdly, to nurse Wedderburn and the team at the Falmouth hospital casualty department then. That hospital too gets a lot of stick, but it is individuals like you Ms. Wedderburn that reminds us that all is not lost. God Bless You.

This shows me that the old-time Jamaican caring and sympathetic spirit is still alive and well.

To my family; Uncle Toney and everyone else, thank you, and God Bless You too.

And for you my peeps who did not hear the entire story, well, apparently the car ran off the road on his way to home in St. Catherine; he was too tired.

The entire ordeal was a miracle; especially a) how he came out of the broken car and b) how he found himself on the road.

Call him lucky, but I believe it proves that Christ is still working wonders here on planet earth.

My brother is still recouperating after the trauma but we expect him to do well very soon.

All indications are that he will be fine. He is little fighter too; he proved it over the last few days again.

Thanks again peeps for the support; the thoughts and prayers. I tell you, you've proved to me that this site is much more than that, we have a real friendly and compassionate communit.

Thank you and God bless you too.

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Dec 31, 2011
blessed new year
by: dee

My brother thank God for protecting your brother and thnks to the people in duncans jamaicans are always caring compassionate people but as everything else there will be be some bad grapes among the bunch also sorry to hear about your mom keep the faith remember God is in control. Happy and blessed new year to you and yours.

Dec 31, 2011
Fortunate to Have Survived
by: Jodi Grant

I lived in Duncan Bay (until and accident where I was crushed between my gate and my car door which left me a parapelegic and sent me out of my beloved Jamaica and back to Canada) and it did my heart good to hear that the Duncans police were so helpful. I always found them to be so and your brother's difficult situation does, indeed, reflect the Jamaica of old. It's good to know that such caring does still exist. I trust your brother will continue on the road to health. It seems he's a very lucky man!

Oct 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

Mark i'm so sad to hear what happened to your brother but as you said thank God has he is alive and doing well.

Sep 24, 2011
by: Margie, USA

OMG! Wow, Wellesly, sorry to hear about your brother, and happy to know that he's doing good. Jah works no doubt. Thanks for saying that there is still so many great people in our Island of Jamaica. Congratulation on your new addition to your family Mr. and Mrs. Gayle, she is indeed beautiful and a gift from God. You are so bless!

Sep 19, 2011
brothers angels !!!!!
by: Diana Antonia Deja'


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