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Munro College Celebrates 160 years in fine style at Graduation Ceremony 2016

Published June 22 2016


I was there on Sunday to witness!

No fanfare, just a highly charged, achievement driven and inspirational graduation ceremony!

I was celebrating with my aunt on her son's achievement, and I am so glad I made it - I felt so honored to be here; at the school that is reputed to have the most Rhodes scholar of any secondary school in Jamaica the Caribbean.


The school is perched on a hill, the Santa Cruz mountain (in Malvern, St. Elizabeth) giving providing a splendid view of the plains and the Caribbean sea.


But driving up the cool hill was an adventure in itself, the freshness, coolness, fertility and tranquility of the area was evident.

We also got a first hand view of the magnificent windmills, believe me they are huge, that are erected in the general area.


It was a very large ceremony that was aptly chaired by government senator, Mr. Authur Williams.

The Hon. Floyd Green, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth & Information, also a graduate of this distinguished institution was the guest speaker.


In his emotive 30 minute speech (timed by the chairman), he charged the graduates to help to develop Jamaica by becoming great fathers (as we celebrated fathers' day) and also invited them to think strongly about politics, as Jamaica need its best minds to be in politics today.


By the way, I never told you about the extensive display of food on sale by the vendors? It was clear to me now why Jamaicans say that St. Elizabeth is the 'bread basket' of Jamaica!

Drum Pan chicken was also aplenty!


Truly an insightful and inspirational event, loved it!

About Munro College

Munro College is the only all-boys boarding school in Jamaica.
If you are interested in contacting the school, the following are the main telephone lines:


According to Wikipedia, the school was founded in 1856 as the Potsdam School (named for the city of Potsdam) a free school for poor boys in St. Elizabeth, as stipulated in the will of plantation owners Robert Hugh Munro and Caleb Dickenson.

It was renamed Munro College during World War I as part of the general rejection of German names at the time, though the surrounding Potsdam district was not also renamed.

Take nothing away from Munro though, my alma mater, The Mannings School, is still the best in Jamaica, lol :-)

You knew I had to throw this in at the end, right? :-)
He he!

Anyway, thanks for reading my friend,
As usual, I welcome your comments

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Comments for Munro College Celebrates 160 years in fine style at Graduation Ceremony 2016

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Jul 04, 2016
Congratulations Munro on your 160 years!
by: Yvonne Morrison-Haughton

Munro, Munro, Munro! the Alma Marta of my spouse, Courtney Haughton, I do congratulate you on your 160 years of celebration. You can't imagine the disagreement my spouse and I have at times since my Alma Marta, Ardenne High School, is the best and we are not sitting on a hill for people to see us :)

Continue your good work!

Vonnie Haughton

Jul 01, 2016
by: vince

Everything about this is so positive. How can so much bad be going on there with such positive vibes as this on the island. Good to see and hear some uplifting news as opposed to the many negative.

Jun 27, 2016
Proud past student
by: Duncan Sharp

I was a student at Munro during its 100 year celebration and participated in a gymnastics exhibition during the proceedings and I followed my father and uncle who were also past students. We were all fiercely proud of our alma mater.

Jun 27, 2016
5 stars
by: valrie

thanks for sharing. i am very familiar with the area as one of my sons is a graduate of munro. the area is really nice and i enjoy every trip i have to make there. still have friends residing in that area.Just hope the continue their high achievement and maintain their record of being the best in the jamaica and the caribbean.(not mannings>lol)

Jun 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thanks very much for sharing. It's very inspiring to see the youth of today complete their studies at this level. Hopefully they will go on to make great contributions to family, community and country. God bless Jamaica.

Jun 26, 2016
Best college
by: Anonymous

Clarendon College in Chapelton is the best of the best.

Jun 26, 2016
What A Gift!
by: Yolande

Thanks for sharing such a powerful and eternal gift. The gift of education is like no other. Getting a view of the graduates and all the beautiful white shirts I can see, these young men will definitely go very far in life and be successful in every endeavor. May they all be blessed to fulfill their most cherished dreams.

Jun 26, 2016
Val Service
by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing. My brothers, nephew and son are all graduates of Munro College. A really fine institution indeed .
Always super cool val service.

Jun 23, 2016
Munro College School Song
by: Wellesley

Here also is the school hymn:

Bless O Lord our Alma Mater,
Oh her all They fullness pour,
Help her to pursue those virtues,
That through ages will endure.
May she ever be thy bulwark
City set upon a hill;
From all evil Lord protect her
Striving here to do thy will

Bless O Lord our benefactors,
Bless us all who labour here;
May they founders of this college
Ever dwell in memory dear;
May we work toward the highest,
Love the good, revere the true.
Govern through they son we pray thee,
All we think and all we do.

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