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Montego Bay Traffic Changes in Full Gear!

by Wellesley
(Montego Bay,Jamaica)

Traffic Changes in Montego Bay

Traffic Changes in Montego Bay

The new traffic changes was officially implemented at midnight on Saturday (November 7) following several delays and controversy surrounding its implementation.

Click on this link for a larger image.

The multimillion-dollar system to control traffic in the tourist capital of Jamaica was proposed through a public consultation forum in collaboration with the National Works Agency, St James Parish Council, Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Tourism Enhancement Fund.

More than 30 traffic lights was installed within the town.

The following are the changes implemented:

1. One way system along St. James Street to be extended to its intersection with Barnett Street.

2. One way along Barnett Street will be extended to the intersection of Howard Cooke Boulevard.

3. Lower Market Street and Strand Street will be one way heading in the direction of Creek Street.

4. Church Street will be one way, from Habour Street to Dome Street.

5. Union Street will be one way from Dome Street to Habour Street.

6. Orange Street will be one way from Church Street to North Street.

7. King Street, between Union Street and Market Street will be one way.

8. Love Lane will be one way from the intersection of Orange Street to King Street - a reversal of the current traffic movement.

9. McCatty Street and Hart Street traffic will flow in a one way direction from the intersection of Cottage Road and McCatty Street to the intersection of Hart Street and Creek Street.

10. Church Lane will be one way from St. James Street to Harbour Street.

A Traffic Management Centre will also be created and housed at the Church Street Police Station in order to provide real time information on the traffic situation in the town.

The monitoring will be done through the use of Close Circuit Television Cameras that will be positioned at strategic points around the city.

Persons wishing to get further information can call toll free: 1-888-429-5692.

Click on this link for a larger image.

Sources: NWA News Bulletin &

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