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Merry Christmas To You And Yours!


Merry Christmas to you and yours my friend!
OMG. This year has been a tumultuous year. One that will go down in history as one of the most eventful for sure.

We experienced so much in politics, business and particularly health with the onset of the deadly Covid19 pandemic.

Some of us became ill and some even lost love ones, But we are still here and so there is so much to be thankful for.

I thank God for taking me and my family through this, and I know you are too.
And so while we celebrate this year, I'd like us to do so with a heart of gratitude like none other!

Thank you too for your love and support during the year, the comments, feedback and encouragements, both here on the website and on my YouTube channel.

Thanks to you my readers, my subscribers and Patreons, you truly set my sail.

But while we celebrate with our food and merriment, lets be mindful that there are many who will not be able to find dinner tonight!

In fact, the WHO reports that more than 3 billion persons cannot afford a healthy diet, while the FoodAidFoundation theorizes that 1 in 9 persons go to bed each night on an empty stomach! And the truth is some of them are within our circle of influence.

So I'm challenging you, as I challenge myself, to remember these persons; the poor, meek and the lowly.

A tangible gift is always great, but especially in these times of the pandemic, a phone, video call or a text message still works!
Just whatever way we can lift someone spirits!

And above all, remember Christ is the reason for the season. Indeed it is Christ- Mas!

So all the best for today and the rest of this year my friend, and here's to a fantastic 2021!


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Dec 28, 2020
by: Dave

Thanks for the holiday well wishes, may you and your family have a joyful and prosperous 2021. I Enjoy the videos and the One Love hospitality...
God Bless!

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