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Merry Christmas 2017

Christmas Greetings
by Wellesley Gayle || December 24, 2017

I'm here sitting at my computer watching and listening to 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas' on the television and started to think that this is the perfect time for me to send you a quick note, wishing you and yours an amazing Christmas.

And yes, I know that some of my readers have no regard for Christmas - and I get that, and appreciate their views.

But many would agree with me that this time of the year just feels very special! And I also get it that it is probably because we grew up 'expecting' that this time of year will be merry and so it becomes a part of us!

{ Read my review of Fay Ellington's Old Time Jamaica here }

But whether or not we believe in Christmas, or that Christ was born on the 25th of December, I think it is just a great time to pause and share, love and give back in a tangible way.

Anyway, away with my sermon today, theology is a another discussion :-), I really just wanted to wish you and yours a very fun loving and blessed Christmas!!!

I've been extremely busy with work - I can see you saying,' nothing new Wellesley' :-) lol.

But anyway, I plan to make some quality time to enjoy the season with family and friends.

Oh and did I tell you that my sisters just left my house!
And we have a plan for tomorrow - lot's of food, fun and fellowship !!!!!!!

Nothing is sweeter than the fellowship of family and friends at this joyous time of the year I tell you - nothing at all.

But I also know that some persons, for different reasons or circumstances, will not have a happy Christmas this year, I pray God's amazing love on their lives - for provision, healing, comfort and hope. He still move mountains my friend.

cousins at christmas 2011

And for the rest of us who are a bit more fortunate, let's maintain a heart of gratitude, of thanksgiving.

And above that, let's be sure to share something with someone - a hug, a phone call, or perhaps just a smile; it really doesn't matter... let's just share the true Jamaican love and charity - whether or not you are in Jamaica.

{Here are some good 'ole' Jamaican Christmas Music to reflect on. }

So from my family to yours....
Have A Merrrrrrrrrrry Christmas 2017!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual, I welcome your comments here.

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Dec 27, 2017
Love your website
by: Paula Roche Reilly

I really enjoy celebrating my Jamaicaness. Love all you stories and your natural goodness.

Please keep up the excellent writings and sharings. I enjoy the sayings and I read them to my 4 grandchildren here in the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California.

They all appreciate their Jamaican ancestry and want to know everything about the place. Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah from my family to yours and to my beloved Jamaica.

Dec 25, 2017
A Turtle For Christmas!
by: Wellesley

I got a surprise Christmas Gift! Wanna guess?

Yes, a turtle! Read about it here.

Love it!!!

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