Meet Baby Gayle!.
by Wellesley
Baby Gayle - 1 Week Old!
baby gayle - two weeks old
Baby Aliana Gayle - 1 week, 2 days old
baby gayle - 1 day old
...Aliana Kiara Gayle, our new bundle of joy!
Update! See below for later pictures.
She arrived approximately 4:40AM two Friday's ago, September 9th - a healthy 8.19 pounds!
I was hoping to make this blissful announcement from last week, but my plans got derailed because of the accident involving my brother.
For several reasons, I call her our miracle baby - from conception she had the doctors puzzled; from gender determination and over-activity to age (due date). She always kept us, and them guessing.
And by the way, it was on the date that my wife needed to do a special procedure that she arrived - naturally, just 3 hours before she would have been taken (Her due date had long passed)
Aliana is a special and deliberately chosen bible name - it means supreme, highest, noble & gracious. I hope she lives up to it :-)
Both my girls are special, but I have an even heightened level of expectation for this one, Aliana. I just need to start making more money for them now :-)
ALIANA GAYLE- 1 Month Old - October 2011

ALIANA GAYLE- 2 Months Old - November 2011

ALIANA GAYLE - 3 Month Old

ALIANA GAYLE - 4 Months Old - January 2012
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