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Massive Winter Storm Paralyzes US states

by Wellesley

I woke up to the sad news that many north eastern US states, included New York and Washington were battered by a major snowstorm.

AP news reported that the storm dumped as much as 3 feet of snow on the eastern United States raising flood waters in communities up and down the Atlantic Coast Saturday, closing roads and prompting evacuations.

From what I learned over 19 people have been confirmed dead from weather related incidents.

"Thirteen people were killed in from car crashes in Arkansas, North Carolina, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and Virginia on Saturday. One person died in Maryland and three in New York City while shoveling snow. Two died of hypothermia in Virginia, officials said." Rueters.

We believe were are experiencing a tail (if you will) in sections of Jamaica, as it is much cooler (70-75 F) with intermittent showers, and has been like that for the last couple of days. But we have a lot to be thankful for.

On behalf of all Jamaicans, I just want to extend our moral support to the people of the US who are impacted, especially those who are ardent Jamaican enthusiast.

Remember my peeps, keep the faith... "This too shall pass".

A 6.8 magnitude earthquate just rocked Alaska as well! Read more

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Jan 27, 2016
Natural Disaster NEW
by: Anonymous

Our prayers goes out to all the States affected by the snow and rain, and especially to the families of those who lost loved ones. Unfortunately things will get worse as we enter into the last days.Our GOD is Awesome in power and mercy, and it is a wake up call for people to seek GOD, it is not GOD's will that any should perish, but we all have free will to choose Life or death, Blessings or curseings on our lives.
The Lord is warning people to get into the Ark of protection, where ever we may be, HE is no respector of persons. HE is warning of an impending Tsunami to hit the east coast shortly, check out its a radio programme.

Jan 26, 2016
GOD`S work is manisting
by: Michael Deslandes

I do extend condolence to all who has lost their love ones this year especial in the show storm and in the unnecessary wars in the world. May GOD be the glory. I will pray for every one. May they all RIP.

Jan 25, 2016
Snow storm
by: Camille

My prayers goes out to the families who lost their love ones in thue snow storm.

Jan 25, 2016
thank you for your prayers
by: Sherry Brown

Thank you so much for your prayers for the people in my country. These are most surely the 'end time' with all the weather and events boing on. Our prayers are for those who have lost loved ones and also for 'the lost'. Thank you again and God Bless you, your family, and Jamaica.

Jan 25, 2016
My sympathy
by: Anonymous

My prayers be with all especially the family of those who have lost their lives.

Jan 25, 2016
what do?
by: Anonymous

Nothing to do against natural disaster only hope nobody injured, nobody died and give deepest compassion to every body. And ask only one question : why make war, not enough disaster like it, not enough misery ?

Jan 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

the coming of the lord is closer than we think. my prayers goes out to all who has impacted.

Jan 24, 2016
Thinking of you .
by: Anonymous

Take care keep warm and always remember God is still in Control , thinking of the families who have lost loved ones

Jan 24, 2016
u.s.a is a courageous city
by: Anonymous

we are in florida and we are feeling the cold weather .we have much to give god thanks for because it could be worst . over the years we live with this kind of weather but we have never experience such a big snow storm like this one . new York is a city that never sleep but this one made us sleep .we just have to continue to give god the glory .

Jan 24, 2016
all is not lost
by: Anonymous

my deepest sympathy for those who have lost their love ones, the God of love and mercy shall remember his people and have compassion.

Jan 24, 2016
Thank you.
by: Harley

Thank you much for all the blessings. Yes this will pass us very soon..
New York was hit hard but is now better.

Jan 24, 2016
North Carolina
by: Francine

Thank you for your support it has been vey tough these last few days. I thank God that the lights are still on. The roads are very bad and we must remain indoors. I just pray everyone will remain safe and don't travel unless ready necessary. God bless

Jan 24, 2016
by: Que

So thankful just to be here and have food to eat and a warm house for comfort. I pray that others will be alright.

Jan 24, 2016
Thank you
by: Crystal from Pa

Thank you for your thoughtful concerns. I am in Pennsylvania where we for 30 or more inches. The largest snowfall in history. Thankfully many listened and stayed home. We are safe and roads are beginning to get cleared and sure we will all be back to normal soon. Just pray it doesn't melt quickly. Thank you for thinking of us.
Love Jamica

Jan 24, 2016
Cabin fever
by: Joyce

Here I am in Central Virginia locked in my home since Friday about 10:00 a.m. until now 5:35 Sunday, and will be in until the city is able to clear the roads so that the person who will help me in removing the snow is able to get out of his house to come and help me. It is moments like these when I miss my birth country of warmth.

However, the snow on the ground is one of the most beautiful sights to look at (which I do through my kitchen window) untouched and peaceful - but cold. It reminds of the hymn "Whiter than Snow."

Jan 24, 2016
Winter Weather in USA
by: Priscilla Chism

Thank you for your concern and kind words for us here. I live in the south (Tennessee & Missouri) and this kind of weather is difficult on us. Up north and Eastern they can handle it a little better. Again thanks and as always continue to pray for us through this winter season.

Jan 24, 2016
Snow in..
by: Rosey ( Pike Manchester) Columbia Md

It's madness ,sorry for those who lost their life's.., i'm stuck in the house but I'm glad that I'm OK -- my rental office informed us that the plow truck broke down ... But as you say this too shall pass ...

Jan 24, 2016
Thank you
by: Patti

Thank you so very much for your prayers and concerns! I love the people of Jamaica it was my first trip this past year and sure want to come back! I am in California so we had lots of rain but so thankful that were not on that East Coast or in the south.

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