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Marijuana was legal once, why not again?

by Lynn
(The Green Mountain State)

Leaf of Marijuana Plant

Leaf of Marijuana Plant

I read they associated marijuanna with the mexicans which were treated like lower class citizens. That's why the higher ups didn't want it legal. They are so uninformed :-(

It has been used as a medication for centuries. It helps people that are sick with cancer and other terrible diseases. Some people with bi-polar disorder need it just to feel normal.

They aren't bad people. They are nice people being scrutinized for doing the same thing our ancestors did. It's a plant, it grows in the ground. They won't make it legal until someone in office smokes it themselves.

We have a greater problem with alcohol and tobacco than anything else. They are killing us. When people smoke pot, they mellow out, feel relaxed, or in my case, full of energy and creative. Then an hour later they raid the refrigerator.

They are not aggressive and they don't beat up their wives. Ignorance is bliss. Alcohol used to be a big problem because men were coming home drunk and beating their wives, and other delightful things.

In the USA it's still a man's world. No poor man can be president, even if he is the most intelligent person in the world. He has to be rich.

The people that make the laws drink, so they aren't gonna touch that baby, that's all theirs. So the placid stonner gets called a druggy and everyone looks down upon them, not even knowing what they are talking about. I say Why Not? It's not a gate way drug, alcohol is. Everyone is different.

I know a lot of people that smoke that never did anything else. Our government needs to get the facts straight and listen. Our jails are filled with good people caught with some weed.

Now they are in trouble, because they pick up worse habits in jail. They should be helped to quit not put in jail.

We've got our priorities wrong. That's why the prisons are over crowed and the real criminals and pedofiles are roaming our streets. I guess you get my point.

Maybe it's a problem in Columbia or where ever they shoot you for coming too close, but that's a whole other ball game. If everyone was allowed to grow their own, maybe we wouldn't have this problem.

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