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Mandeville To Kingston Jamaica
Where To Go, What To See & How To Get There

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Mandeville to Kingston Jamaica | The City Of KingstonMandeville to Kingston Jamaica | The City Of Kingston

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Mandeville isn’t the most popular tourist destination, but there are more than enough interesting things there to provide a fun and eventful trip. What's even better, Mandeville being in central Jamaica, makes it easy to get to every tourist destination or the “hotspots” on the island.
This includes Ocho Rios, Negril, Montego Bay, Port Antonio and of course, Kingston.

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How do you get from Mandeville to Kingston Jamaica

Public Transportation (Transit Buses and Route Taxis)

Your 1½ - 2 hour trip from Mandeville into Kingston won’t be difficult, or at least it shouldn’t be. Jamaica has a very reliable bus service which also happens to be the cheapest way to travel.

The buses run directly from the bus park in Mandeville to the one in Kingston, so if you aren’t confident in switching from one vehicle to the next then the bus will be a good option for you. This trip can cost JMD 1,000-1,200 (US 6.46-7.75).

If you are good at navigating the different taxis into Kingston then you will have to take 3 or 4 taxis before you get into Kingston, stopping in smaller towns from central to eastern Jamaica. If you have multiple bags or, are travelling with a large group this might not be a good option. 

Although both bus and taxi services are reliable, as it draws closer to evening it will become difficult to get one as they wind down for the day. So if you are planning to travel this way, be sure to plan your trip with enough time to get to your destination (and back) before it gets late.

Private Transportation Companies (Knutsford Express)

For a more comfortable ride, some opt for the Knutsford Express, a private transportation and courier service in Jamaica. They have many routes connecting major towns and cities across the island and making travel more convenient.

Mandeville to Kingston Jamaica is one of their most popular routes and as such, they have 4 trips from Monday to Saturday and 2 on Sunday. The current cost of this ride averages to be JMD 2,700 (US 17.45) but it is always best to check their website to check the prices, book or reserve your seat. 

If you didn’t get the chance to book or reserve your seat, you can just walk in, but a seat might not be available.

Personal Vehicles (Rentals)

Vacations are never about meeting deadlines and being on time, so if you would want complete autonomy over your trip then your best bet would be to rent your own vehicle.

Sometimes visitors are a bit apprehensive to drive in Jamaica and among the biggest reasons is the fact that we drive on opposite sides of the road, that is especially true if you're from the United States. But, if you just follow the tips for driving in Jamaica, you’ll be fine. 

The buses won’t stop, for you to take pictures or buy fruits or trinkets you might see on the road. To do that you have to be driving on your own. What’s on the way that you would want to stop and see? Well, let me tell you!

Things To Do On The Way From Mandeville To Kingston Jamaica

  1. Melrose Hill - One of the many delicious foods stops along the way, the vendors at Melrose Hill serve roasted breadfruit, sweet potato and the star of the whole operation roasted yellow yam. This is served with ackee and saltfish or roasted saltfish or saltfish stew.

  2. Clarendon Park - At the headquarters of Juici Patties, you can only expect the best, most scrumptious patties on the island. This Juici patty location happens to be the location where it all started. Pick your favourite from the list of patties including chicken, beef, soy, vegetable, shrimp and ackee patty.

    If for some weird reason a patty isn’t what you want, then grab jerk chicken, fried chicken, nuggets, fritters, fries rundown or soup and get dessert on your way out too. If I may recommend one, then there is banana cake and the ice cream is delicious. Also, you're sure to find a cold drink for both children and adults plus clean and convenient restrooms.

  3. Milk River Bath and Beach - The water at the Milk River Mineral bath is visited by many throughout the year not only as an attraction but for its healing properties as well. But the water is so hot, that it is not recommended that you spend more than 20 minutes at a time and have more than three baths for the day.

  4. Cool Oasis - Why am I highlighting a gas station? I’ll let you in on a little secret. This Cool Oasis Gas Station is rumoured to have the lowest gas prices, and who doesn’t want to save up on gas? So, if you can, you can take your next fill up here. Besides, they have fresh restrooms and a well-stocked convenience store.

You could also take the bypass which is full of more interesting places and people to see and meet. But, the highway is a much easier route to get into Kingston although, after you enter Highway 2000, there isn’t much else to see.

This could be an adventure in itself though, you can just take the time to play your favourite Reggae & Dancehall hits and have spirited conversations with the people in your group, capturing the true Jamaican way to travel.

Along the way, you'll find vendors selling fresh fruits in innumerable varieties, freshly roasted cashew or peanuts, bottled honey, and the list goes on. 

I can virtually guarantee that you'll not be bored on a road trip from Mandeville to Kingston Jamaica.

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References & Sources For Mandeville to Kingston Jamaica

  1. Explore 3 ways to travel from Mandeville to Kingston with Rome2rio via bus, taxi, or car,

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