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love the place

by Dede

I think that Jamaica is a wonderful place to visit whenever you ever want to go on a vacation. I really love their culture.

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Jun 13, 2011
enjoyed ourselves even after the mishap
by: Jackie

Soooo, I go to Port Antonio to visit some friends I knew from the states. This was my second time visiting. I brought my two cousins who have both never been before.

We decide to go rafting ont he Rio Grande, which I had done before but was up to go again. My friend Mikey set it up for us with a man the hotel referred us to named George.

We got to the river and got on the raft. We spoke to George all down the river. We got mid way and got off to go to the cook shop and swim. We went swimming, jumped off rocks, it was amazing!!!!

We got some dumplings and plantains, which were also amazing. Then we left to continue down the river.

About ten minutes later we see a man coming out of the forest with his shirt up over his head and a machete. We said hello (I dont know why). We hear behind us the water like someone was swimming.

I turn around and this man is getting ont he back of the boat saying he wants money. George was not really saying anything, just satring at him and saying to get off the boat, and telling him there was other people coming from up the river and to go to them instead.

I thought it was a joke or something and said we didnt have any, until I realized the machete was behind one of my cousins.

The man grabbed our bag which contained all of our purses, money, credit cards, and passports. We grabbed it back and said "what are you doing?".

He said again that he wanted money. My other cousin grabs the bag, opens a wallet, and takes out about $4000 Jamaican dollars and gives it to home and says "Thats all we have".

He jumped off the boat and disappeared into the forest. George kept moving really slow and kept saying he couldnt believe that happened.

I called my friend and told them what happened and imediately Mikey asked me what did George do and what was his reaction. I told him and he said to tell George to hurry up. It took about a half hour to get to the end.

I know Mikey and his people and I know that this is not going to slide. As soon as we were near, they were yelling from the dock to hurry up and get us over there. We get to the dock and get off the raft. They are pulling George off the raft and screaming at him.

I started to walk up the path but there was 3 other people so I stood there until my cousins came up.

They were beating George up in the forest, holding him down, took all his money he had in his pocket, and threw him into the river. It was crazy.

But I also definitely think George was involved and I am glad he paid for that. You cant go around robbing people you have no idea who they are or who they know. My cousins could not believe what happened.

Right after leaving here we went to the beach to reflect on what had happened. But we kind of forgot about it over a spliff or three.

We got to continue our vacation and we did NOT let that ruin it.

We had the best time all the rest of the days, because the robbery happened on Day 2 of an 8 day trip!

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