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Jamaica's new $5,000 bank note rolls out today!

by Wellesley
(Montego Bay, Jamaica)

Jamaica's New $5000 Bank Note

Jamaica's New $5000 Bank Note

THE BANK of Jamaica issued a high-security $5,000 banknote today, September 24. The note will be legal tender for all monetary transactions, and will complement the existing family of banknotes, namely $50, $100, $500 and $1,000.

The portrait of the late former prime minster of Jamaica, the Right Honourable Hugh Lawson Shearer, appears on the front of the note.

The reverse features blossoms of the frangipani and an aerial view of Highway 2000.

Here is another picture of it, highlighting its security features.

More on Jamaica's currency.

What do YOU think about Jamaica introducing a 5,000 dollar note? (Please Comment Below)

Source: Jamaica Gleaner.

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Mar 31, 2012
Friendly advise to the government of my country...
by: Rodger Brady

Jamaica need to bring out Ten-Thousand Dollar bank note, as part of improving their economy and currency. Jamaica should also turn paper fifty dollar bill into a coin, on move forward as part of their 50th aniversary as a independent country. currency is very critical, not only to your country but also on a international prospective; including but not limited to trading with other countries. So with that said, Jamaica continue to progress international and globally. Advise dated:03-31-2012 Happy 50th aniversary Jamaica!

Mar 31, 2012
Jamaica moving forward/ forever growing
by: Anonymous

Jamaica need to change the $50 dollar note into a coin; the Bank Of Jamaica need to bring out a even larger currency than $5000 thousand dollar note. I'm thinking this bank-note, should be $10,000.00 atlease to be more competitive currency wise, in the international world. It's an advise to the Government of Jamaica, that need to be taken seriously on a business prospective, and also on a ecconomically stand point. Happy 50th aniversary Jamaica!

Mar 12, 2010
by: Anonymous

plucky you are stupid

Nov 16, 2009
by: plucky

that is stupid!!!

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