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Simple Jamaican Tamarind Balls Recipe
Thanks Karena!

jamaican_tamarind_balls2Fresh Jamaican Tamarind Balls

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Despite all the depression and hopelessness surrounding the Covid19 Coronavirus, I am one who still believes that there is an opportunity in EVERY situation, including this pandemic.

One clear opportunity is the home!

And today it was evident as my daughter, been out of school, decided to make one of Jamaica's favourite sweet (or should I say tangy) treats, Tamarind Balls!

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And it came out amazingly well!

By now, not only were aunts and uncles told where to come for the best tamarind balls, she believes that she has just found her hidden culinary skills.

I was particularly impressed with her though, as to be brutally honest with you, I have absolutely no idea how it was made, even though it turned out some blatantly simple.

So here is the recipe, here is what she (Karena) did.
(I asked her to write it down so I could share it with you here on my website)

Simple Jamaican Tamarind Balls Recipe


  • Approximately two dozen tamarinds pods (as seen below)
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup Jamaican white rum (optional)
  • Creativity and style :-)


  • Break the shell / pods and remove tamarind seeds from the pods
  • Place the meat (pulp) inside a bowl
  • Remove the strings (and seeds if desired)
    Note that some persons prefer it with the seeds

  • Add 2/3 of the sugar and rum (place the remaining sugar aside until the end)
  • Mix all the ingredients together vigorously
  • Remove the mixture and roll into a round sticky dough
  • Break the dough into smaller portions, and
  • Roll into smaller snackable (1/2 inch) portions

  • Then gently rolls these smaller balls into the remaining sugar (that was laid aside)
  • Place them in refrigerator and allow to chill
  • Remove and enjoy!

That's it, nothing complex, no fanfare!
And it tasted great! (No it is not only the fun) Thanks again dear!

Tamarind balls, by the way, is one of the new items pending to be listed on my ETSY store - for traditional Jamaican products!  I'm just tying up the final arrangements with one of the top tiered suppliers here, so stay tuned and look forward to that. 


And, if you are luck, you might also be able to get the tamarind in pods as well, stay tuned!

jamaican_tamarindJamaican Tamarind

Its now over to you! Be sure to come back and let us know how it went.

Click Here to see the full list of our easy and exciting Jamaican recipes, completely free!

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