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My Favourite
Jamaican Photos

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[My special Jamaican photos]

wellesley gayle with family, birthday August 29 2018Your's Truly with my family, on my birthday, August 2018

You know how much I adore my pictures right? Of course you do - unless you are completely new to this website. Never mind.

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I have a huge collection of pictures on all aspect of Jamaican life. But these are somewhat special to me in some little way.

They are not necessarily the cutest or cleanest photos I have but they are truly special. Follow me, you'll learn why.

jamaican_photos_holland_bamboo jamaican_photos_road_side_fruits
I was driving when I took this shot so bear with me. The scenery was too beautiful to pass.

And yes, this is the famous Holland Bamboo stretch

The nice array of fruits was attractive, but what you don't see was the beautiful lady who was selling.

She begged me not to show her her picture, sorry :-)

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I took this a few months ago on my way back from Kingston.

We were in the heart of shrimp city (Middlequarters) so this is a picture opportunity I wasn't going to miss.

An aggressive or should I say 'renk' Jamaican ram goat! Mutton anyone?
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It was one of the warm-up matches for the cricket 2007 world cup matches, WI vs IND in Trelawny.

We lost the match, but the entire day was remarkable.

This is Dwayne Bravo, the exciting West Indies cricketer.

He and I share the same cricketing idol, Brian Lara, so yes, we have something in common

jamaican_photos_indian_friend jamaican_photos_sunset_in_mobay
This guy was amazing! Full of fun and sport!

We both love cricket and we had a great time together, cheering on our individual team

Mobay has great sunsets too!
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jamaica_photos_coconut_tree jamaican_photos_house_on_hill
This young coconut tree was right outside my childhood home in the country.

I thought it made a great photo

I never got the perfect angle, also it was getting late, but this house was too cute to pass.

If you know Westmoreland, it is way up on the top, I mean way at the top of a hill down by Haddo

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I thought this was just a really nice picture! These are aunty V's in-laws Grounded in the heart of emancipation park.

It cuts deep to our history and culture

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Isn't she sweet?

This is Pamela's (a friend of the family's) daughter

Of course my darling daughter is cute too!
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This is my dad with my daughter- a baby then.

He was always afraid of young babies, but he braved it and held her. He really loved her, she was his first and ended been his only grandchild. He passed on in 2005.

This is surely one of the most inspiring pictures I own.

My grandpa (middle) came from England, but never fail to remind us what life is like back there.

He immediately bonded with my two old cricketing pal. Notice the other two are stone drunk!

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This is a day I'll never forget. It was at James Bond beach.

It was our first family beach trip since my daughter's birth. She wasn't even 2 years as yet, but she spent the entire day in the water.

(June 2008) Another cute picture. It wasn't leah's graduation, but they invited her to sing.
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December 2005, this was Leah's first birthday.

It was an exciting time for all of us, not least my dearest Tasha.

You'll see this picture several places on this website.

It was our first Mayfield falls trip and we had loads of fun! It also makes a really nice Jamaican picture.

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jamaican_photos_moms_birthday jamaican_photos_aunt_v_with_cup
Another special moment, this was my mom's 50th birthday! My favourite aunt Verna having a sip.

Sorry V, I never warned you I was going to post this photo.

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December 2007 family dinner! Uncle Tom at the controls, running the curried goat and the manish water! Jamaican style! June 2008. No one would ever bet on me, but I surprised them all.

I won the race in a flash :-). It was the build up the 2008 sports day at work. By the way, I earned two golds and a silver in the finals.

I told them afterwards, "don't watch the belly"

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Cardo, Tanya and Neka, my brother and two sisters.

They don't usually take a lot of pictures, never mind taking pictures together so I cherish this one.

By the way, I have one more coming, this one has all of us together...stay tuned :-)

And one of my all time favourite! Mammy with Leah and Kay Kay.

I took this just months before she passed off! Leah will appreciate this photo when she realize the great impact my beloved grandma had on my life.

For the complete slide show, showing more pictures, please visit my main pictures page

First posted: 7/20/08

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