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Fun Jamaican National Heroes Quiz
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Jamaican national heroesJamaican National Heroes | Photo Credit: LittleJamaica UK

So you are passionate about your country, but how much do you really know of it? As we commemorate our heroes this heroes' day, I'll test your foundation knowledge of our heroes - the indomitable men and woman who fought the injustice to help us enjoy the freedom we are afforded today.

Are you ready?

By the way, I'd suggest you take a quick refresher by reading our article on the heroes of Jamaica here and then come back.

ARE.... YOU.... RAAAY DAY (Ready) :-)

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The answers are at the end of the page BUT!!!
Don't cheat on me now :-)

Jamaican National Heroes Quiz

  1. How many national heroes/heroine does Jamaica have?

  2. Name (them) the heroes of Jamaica ________________.

  3. Who is Jamaica's first national hero?

  4. Which hero's remains were buried beneath a church pulpit?

  5. Which national hero was hanged with his brother?
  6. Which two national heroes were confered the status together on October 18, 1969?

  7. Which parish is Paul Bogle from?

  8. Sam Sharpe was conferred as national hero together with another person, who was that?

  9. What age did Paul Bogle die?

  10. How did George William Gordon die?

  11. Where is Paul Bogle buried?

  12. What killed Norman Manley?

  13. Which money is George William Gordon on?

  14. Was Norman Manley a prime minister of Jamaica?

  15. Which parish is Alexander Bustamante from?

  16. How did Marcus Garvey die?

  17. What year was the Order of National Hero passed by parliament in Jamaica?

  18. Which national hero was the only living  hero, before his passing?

  19. What year was the Right Excellent Nanny of the Maroons given the order of National Hero?

  20. What was the given name for Nanny Of The Maroon?

  21. What parish was national hero Samuel Sam Sharpe born?

  22. Which National hero was a free colored land owner?

  23. How old was Sam Sharpe when he died?

  24. Which national hero was buried on a hill?

Ok, great! Ready for the answers? ... scroll down to here

ANSWERS To Jamaica Trivia Questions For Kids

  1. 7 individuals were conferred with the order of national hero of Jamaica (6 heroes and 1 heroine)

  2. Alexander Bustamante
    George William Gordon
    Marcus Mosiah Garvey
    Nanny of the Maroons
    Norman Manley
    Paul Bogle
    Samuel Sharpe

  3. Marcus Mosiah Garvey

  4. Samuel (Sam) Sharpe. He was buried in the sands of the Montego Bay Harbour but the remains were later exhumed and reburied beneath the pulpit at Burchell Baptist Church in Montego Bay.

  5. Paul Bogle was hanged with his brother. The name of his brother was Moses.

  6. Bustamante and Norman Manley

  7. Paul Bogle was born in the parish of St. Thomas

  8. Sam Sharpe was conferred with Nanny Of The Maroons

  9. 43 years old. According to the JIS, he was born in 1822 and died October 24, 1865.

  10. Hanged. He was illegally tried by Court Martial and, despite a lack of evidence, he was convicted and sentenced to death. He was hanged on October 23, 1865.

  11. Paul Bogle is buried at National Heroes Park in Kingston, Jamaica.
    By the way,  The National Heroes Park (est 1973) was known before as the "George V1 Memorial Park".. It is now the place dedicated to the memory of our heroes and former Prime Ministers of Jamaica who have passed on.

    Interestingly too, it was in 1953 that the name had changed from Kingston Race Course to George V1 Memorial Park.

  12. Norman Manley died of a Respiratory Disease.

  13. George Washington Gordon was featured on the 10 dollar note, now coin.

  14. Technically yes, the term then was not prime minister then but Chief Minister - from 1955 to 1959 and Premier from 1959 to 1962, when the JLP won the elections.

  15. Alexander Bustamante was born in the parish of Hanover.

  16. Marcus Garvey died in England in 1940 of a stroke.

  17. The Order of National Hero of Jamaica was created by the National Honours and Awards Act, which was passed by Parliament in 1969.

  18. Sir Alexander Bustamante. He was proclaimed a National Hero Of Jamaica during his lifetime.

  19. Nanny was awarded the order of national hero in 1982.

  20. Nanny's given name was Sarah Elizabeth Curry.

  21. Samuel Sharpe was born in the parish of St James.

  22. The national hero who was a free colored land owner was George William Gordon.

  23. Sam Sharpe was 31 years old when he died.

  24. Nanny of the maroons. She is believed to have been buried on a hill in Moore Town in 1750 that is known as 'Bump Grave' regarded as sacred ground. Read more.

Congrats! You made it!

Now lets score.

  • 20 - 23 points - Excellent (You know 'yuh' stuff)
  • 16 -19 points - Good (You have a basic knowledge, looks like you paid some attention in class)
  • 11 -15 points - Average (Just enough to show you were exposed)
  • 0-10 points - Poor (Go back and read about the national heroes here)

Be sure to check out our history of Jamaica quiz as well, you'll like it :-)

You have be served! Now share your new found knowlege with someone.

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