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Jamaican June Plum Fruit
A Tropical Delight

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jamaica_beach_house_little_bay_cabins_june_plumsJamaican June Plum Fruit

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Have you ever had a Jamaican June Plum fruit? If not this is your sign to give it a try. Like most of our tropical fruits, it doesn't just taste great but is loaded with health benefits as well.

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June Plums are also known as Ambarella or Golden Apples in other parts of the world. It is a tropical fruit that is native to tropical and subtropical regions, so naturally, it is found in Jamaica as well.

June plums are typically small to medium-sized, they grow in clusters and their colour usually ranges from green to yellow. It is an oval-shaped fruit that has a tough, thick skin that encases a firm, pale yellow-to-white flesh. When young, the flesh is crisp with a sweet, pineapple-like taste. As the fruit ripens, it becomes softer and develops a complex flavour profile that includes hints of soursop, mango, and star fruit, combined with a mildly acidic and sweet-sour taste.

One of the things I love most about June Plums is just how versatile it is. First off you can have it green, and my favourite way to have green June plums is to peel it, cut it into small pieces and add salt and pickled pepper. You can also have it fully ripe as well, which is perfect by itself. June Plum juice is one of my favourite fruit juices, especially when it is made with a lot of ginger. If you are looking for a natural drink that is perfect for the summer heat, this is it! As they ripen, they are transformed into jams, preserves, and chutneys, you could even dice them up and it into a salad.

jamaican_june_plumJamaican June Plum Fruit - Ripe and Peeled

Health Benefits of the Jamaican June Plum Fruit

Besides all the amazing ways you can have June plum, whether ripe or green, the health benefits of June plum will give you an even greater reason to give the fruit a try.

1. Rich in Vitamins: It is a potent source of Vitamin C, essential for immune function, collagen production, and wound healing. Additionally, it contains Vitamin A for vision health and Vitamin B1 to support metabolism and energy production.

2. Antioxidant Properties: The fruitโ€™s antioxidants combat free radicals, helping to prevent cellular damage and ageing effects like wrinkles. This property also contributes to its role in skin health and tissue repair.

3. Dietary Fiber: High in fibre and water content, June plums aid digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote a feeling of fullness, which can support weight management efforts.

4. Natural Antibiotic: Known for its natural antibiotic properties, the fruit helps the body resist infections and supports overall immune function.

5. Traditional Medicinal Uses: Various parts of the June plum tree, including the leaves, bark, roots, and seeds, have been used in traditional medicine. The bark, for instance, is used to treat dysentery, while the leaves are boiled for skin care and to soothe respiratory ailments.

6. Immune System Support: The high vitamin C content in June plums is crucial for boosting the immune system. It aids in the production of white blood cells, which help protect the body against infections and diseases.

7. Digestive Health: Besides aiding in digestion and preventing constipation, the dietary fibre in June plums supports the overall health of the digestive tract. It promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and enhances bowel movements.

8. Blood Sugar Regulation: The fibre in June plums helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.

9. Bone Health: The presence of vitamin K in June plums plays a vital role in bone health by aiding in the production of proteins necessary for bone formation and repair. It also helps in the prevention of osteoporosis.

10. Anti-inflammatory Properties: June plums contain compounds that exhibit anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate conditions like arthritis.

Can a diabetic person eat June Plum?
Yes, they can. Due to the quality (GI) and amount (GL) of carbohydrates in the June plum, it may be beneficial when consumed as part of a healthy or diabetic diet.

What else do you need to know before grabbing a couple of June Plums and diving in to enjoy its sweet, sometimes sour and tangy flavour? Give it a try, I am sure you will love it.

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References & Sources For Jamaican June Plum Fruit

  1. June Plums. (n.d.).,help%20alleviate%20coughs%20and%20fevers
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