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Hip, Trendy and Fashionable
Jamaican Hats

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jamaican hats

Jamaican hats are hot - especially now that reggae wear is creating waves the fashion industry.

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And not just in Jamaica - it is happening all over the world, in all the fashion hot spots.

They nicely complement all Rasta and Jamaican wear, including jerseys, woven belts, wristbands etc. in red, gold, green or black.

These hats comes in a variety of styles, shapes and sizes to suit every taste- from the newborn to the senior, 'bald head' or Rasta.

And may I say, rich or poor too? :-) although some can actually get quite pricey.

And for those who seek the rasta versions but don't have the dreads, no worry! There are hats that comes with those already attached!

Styles Of Jamaican Hats - Examples

jamaica_hat_stripe_tam jamaica_hats_tam1
jamaican_hats_cocunut jamaican_hats_tam2
jamaican_hats_bucket_red_stripe jamaica_hats_trendy3
jamaican_hats_tam jamaican_hat_tall_tam
jamaican_hats_yellow jamaican_hats_trendy2
jamaican_hats_color jamaican_hats_rasta1

New! Check out my Jamaican Clothing Store and search for your favourite hat!

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