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Jamaican Guinep Juice Recipe
Refreshing and Delicious

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jamaican_guineps_seedJamaican Guinep Juice Recipe

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Guineps are only in season for a short time, so while it is available in abundance, try making some refreshing Guinep juice, Jamaican style of course. 

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Guineps as we call them in Jamaica are also known as Spanish lime, quenette, limoncillo, or various other names depending on the Caribbean region. They are small, round fruits with a firm, light green exterior and an almost creamy but certainly sweet-tart pulp. Typically we would crack the shell with our teeth and suck the pulp then discard the seeds. Although I do know a few persons who instead of sucking the pulp, chew on the entire seed.

But like most fruits, guineps can also be made into a tasty and refreshing drink. Though I must admit it does take some effort and time to make Guinep Juice. To give you an idea of what it tastes like, it is often described as a cross between a sweet lime and lychee, with a hint of tartness. This intriguing blend makes guinep juice a refreshing treat, especially during the hot summer months.

Nutritional Facts Of Guineps

In about half a cup of guineps, there are several nutrients: protein (1g), carbohydrates (13.5-19.2g), fibre (0.07-2.60g), calcium (15 mg), and phosphorus (23.9 mg).

  • Guinep is a low-fat, cholesterol-free, and delicious option for maintaining good health.
  • It contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which helps induce sleep and promotes feelings of calm, relaxation, and sleepiness.
  • Guineps also contain vitamins C and A, which are essential for immune function and protect the body from free radicals.
  • Guinep seeds contain antioxidants called epicatechin and procyanidin B2, which can help prevent diarrhoea.
  • Guineps may also help prevent herpes by providing 17 mg of L-lysine, an amino acid used to treat herpes. L-lysine is also used for muscle recovery after intense workouts and sports activities and may help with gut and brain health.

How to make Guinep Juice

To make guinep juice you will have to get your hands a little bit messy. Itโ€™s also hard to measure exactly how many guineps you will need but it will be safe to say you will need as much as you can. Atleast 2lbs. Cracking each fruit to remove the pulp and seed may take the longest. Hereโ€™s the recipe:

Jamaican Guinep Juice Recipe


  • 2lbs of fresh
  • 1 litre of warm water
  • Sugar.
  • 1 large knob of ginger.
  • 2 limes


1. Prepare the Guineps: Use a paring knife to make a slit in each guinep and remove the skin. Place the skinless guineps in a large bowl.

2. Soak the Fruit: Pour the warm water over the guineps and allow them to soak for about 20 minutes. This helps to lift the pulp from the seeds.

3. Extract the Pulp: With clean hands, rub the pulp from each guinep to release the juice into the water. It's okay if some pulp remains on the seed; the flavor will still infuse the liquid.

4. Strain the Juice: Pour the mixture through a strainer into a jug, discarding the seeds or saving them for another use.

5. Add Flavors: Stir in the desired amount of sweetener, lime juice, and ginger juice to enhance the taste.

6. Chill and Serve: Refrigerate the juice, then serve it over ice for a truly refreshing experience.

Tips and Notes

  • Dietary Considerations: This guinep juice recipe is vegan, gluten-free, and suitable for a paleo lifestyle.
  • Experiment with Sweeteners: Adjust the sweetener to suit your taste, and consider trying different types for a unique flavor profile.

Guineps are a delightful part of our culture. While we normally enjoy it as a sweet and tangy treat, it can also be had as a refreshing juice. Whether you're familiar with this tropical fruit or trying it for the first time, this guinep juice is a must-try recipe.

Before you go watch the video below on some of the amazing health benefits of Guineps.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Guinep Juice Recipe

  1. Charla. (2022, December 26). Guinep juice (Spanish lime). That Girl Cooks Healthy.
  2. Stephenson-Laws, J. (2018, February 9). Guinep: A Healthy Fruit You Should Know About. pH Labs.

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