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Jamaican Grocery Store
For All Things Jamaican

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Love Jamaica? Of course you do!
Love Jamaican products? You bet!

But there is one challenge!

If you are living outside of Jamaica, it is not so easy to fly (or drive) down to the nearest Caribbean or J'can grocery store to pick up your:

  • Favourite bag of Blue Mountain coffee, 
  • Sangster's Rum cream, 
  • Excelsior water crackers, 
  • Grace tin mackerel, 
  • Some Lasco soy milk or, a solid loaf of bread!

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Savour the memories!  Now you can get your authentic Jamaican souvenir items, as well as traditional Jamaican herbs, spices and housewares on our popular e-store. Click Here to learn more.

And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us!

So what do you do?

We have a solid recommendation! And you'll stay right here online :-)

No flying, no driving/ commuting, and the truth is, some of the prices compares very well (if not better) to some of those few small Jamaican or Caribbean grocery stores in some states in the US, UK and Canada.

My recommendation is....

Yes, Amazon - who by the way is one of the most reputable brands online!

Click Here to View Items In
Our J'can Grocery Store At Amazon

New! Get Traditional Jamaican Herbs & Spices On My Etsy Store! Click Here To View

And the offerings are more than you can imagine! They have...

Plus a whole lot more!

I just pulled a quick cross section of some of the most popular categories they have from a typical Jamaican grocery store.

So take advantage of the convenience the internet provides, back by a name you know and trust, and shop for your favourite J'can grocery item.


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Pages Related to Jamaican Grocery Store

Any by the way, the following are five additional sites that I would recommend that you consider for those hard to get grocery items from Jamaica

  • &

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