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Jamaican Arrowroot Milk Porridge
A Quick Easy And Delicious Recipe

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Jamaican Arrowroot Milk PorridgeJamaican Arrowroot Milk Porridge

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

I was convinced that as a Jamaican who was born and raised right here on this beautiful island, I had tried every Jamaican dish. I was surely wrong, as I recently discovered the Jamaican Arrowroot Milk Porridge.

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Porridge is a popular breakfast dish in Jamaica and I thought I had tried every type of porridge there is. Iโ€™m talking about rice porridge, oats porridge, cornmeal porridge, banana porridge, plantain porridge and even peanut porridge. So you can imagine just how shocked I was when I discovered that we had an arrowroot porridge.

While arrowroot is very versatile, I know of it being mainly for its wound-healing properties, not so much for cooking. So I was certainly intrigued and eager to give this arrowroot porridge a try.

So, the Arrowroot is derived from the rhizomes of the arrowroot plant. It is known for its starchy tubers and is often used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking. Itโ€™s a popular replacement for cornstarch.

The Benefits of Drinking Jamaican Arrowroot Milk Porridge

Despite its mild taste, arrowroot packs a nutritional punch. The tuber is rich in carbs, protein, and essential minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium, it's also low in calories, making it ideal for health-conscious individuals.

The Benefits

1. Promotes Weight Loss: Arrowroot may help you to keep the weight off. High in fibre and resistant starch, arrowroot keeps you feeling full longer, aiding in weight management without sacrificing taste or nutrition.
2. Digestive Health: If you struggle with digestive issues you may also want to give it a try. Arrowroot is super gentle on the stomach and helps with soothing digestive issues such as IBS and diarrhoea, making it a natural remedy for gastrointestinal discomfort.
3. Gluten-Free Alternative: Perfect for gluten-sensitive individuals, arrowroot flour serves as an excellent substitute in gluten-free cooking, from sauces to baked goods.
4. Rich in B Vitamins: Loaded with B vitamins, particularly niacin and folate, arrowroot supports energy levels, skin health, and nervous system function, crucial during pregnancy for fetal development.
5. Enhances Sleep Quality: Thanks to its magnesium content, arrowroot helps regulate sleep patterns, promoting restful sleep and overall well-being.
6. Skin Benefits: Beyond culinary uses, arrowroot finds its way into skincare products for its oil-absorbing properties, soothing capabilities, and potential to improve skin conditions like acne.

Arrowroot Milk Porridge Recipe


  • 2 teaspoons arrowroot powder
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • ยผ teaspoon salt
  • ยฝ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Dash of grated nutmeg
  • 4 cinnamon leaves (washed)


  1. In a pot, bring water and cinnamon leaves to a boil.
  2. Mix arrowroot powder with a little cold water to form a smooth paste.
  3. Add the arrowroot paste to the boiling water, stirring continuously.
  4. Mix sugar with milk and add to the pot, stirring well.
  5. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Add vanilla extract towards the end of cooking.
  7. Remove from heat, sprinkle with grated nutmeg, and serve hot.

Tips for Preparing the Perfect Arrowroot Milk Porridge

Here are some handy tips to help you take your Arrowroot Milk Porridge from just good to great.

1. Use Cold Water for Mixing Arrowroot Powder: When mixing the arrowroot powder, always use cold water to create a smooth paste. This prevents clumping when you add it to the hot liquid, ensuring a silky porridge.

2. Stir Constantly to Avoid Lumps: Arrowroot thickens quickly, so constant stirring is essential. Use a whisk or a wooden spoon to keep the mixture smooth and lump-free as it cooks.

3. Simmer on Low Heat: After adding the arrowroot paste and milk, reduce the heat to low. Arrowroot can thicken suddenly, so gentle simmering allows for better control over the consistency.

4. Adjust Sweetness to Taste: While the recipe calls for granulated sugar, feel free to adjust the amount according to your taste preference. You can also substitute with brown sugar, honey, or your preferred sweetener.

5. Serve Immediately: Arrowroot porridge tends to thicken as it cools, so itโ€™s best enjoyed hot. If it gets too thick, simply stir in a little more warm milk to reach your desired consistency.

Arrowroot milk porridge isn't just a delicious treat; it's a wholesome dish packed with nutrients beneficial for your body and soothing for your stomach. Here are some other tasty Jamaican Porridges you may like.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Arrowroot Milk Porridge

  1. Jamaican Arrowroot Milk Porridge Recipe. (n.d.). Keyingredient.

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