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Jamaican Herbs That Help With Weight Loss
Jamaican Vervain
Chances are you, or perhaps someone you know, have tried one of the many quick and easy weight loss programs and supplements, but the pounds just refuse to shed, right?
I for one certainly doesn't subscribe to the quick fix, magic bullet approach. And although not always ardent in practice; I strongly believe the mantra, “Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food”. If we take that approach, I believe, we'd have significantly less issues.
But even above that, some of the same 'food' here can be taken as medicine and guaranteed to help you attain a healthy weight loss.
These Jamaican herbs, 10 of them, considered the best of the lot for weight loss, should certainly be in your weight loss arsenal.
This herb is considered to be a great belly-fat reducer as it reduces water weight. The potassium in it acts as a diuretic as it increases the output of urine. This can be had as a tea and is said to be very effective.
Parsley, when consumed fresh is considered to be an excellent fat-burner due to its high fiber content. It acts as a diuretic as it flushes out excess water from the body.
It can be had in salads or your favorite smoothie. Parsley is also grown wild in Jamaica called “wild parsley” and looks a bit different from the ones in the supermarkets or the health food stores but is just as effective and full of flavor.
A lion in the jungle, this is considered a wonder herb that aids in the treatment of many ailments such as cancer, syphilis, kidney problems, skin problems and digestive problems. And weight loss is no exception.
It is considered to be great at suppressing the appetite and curbing cravings. The root of this herb is normally used and can be had as a tea. Small dosage is recommended however as it can cause allergic reactions in some persons.
The good ole ginger has a fat-burning property which contributes to weight loss. It can be brewed a tea or added to drink, salads, fruits or dishes. It also supports in controlling blood sugar levels.
Cinnamon is considered to be a great herb to curb hunger while controlling blood sugar levels.
It helps you to feel full longer thus eating less and ultimately contributing to weight loss. Usually converted to powder form, this can be combined with your favourite cereals, tea or yogurt and may also added to some meat dishes.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is beneficial in boosting the metabolism and thus makes it a great fat-burner as it works along with its Vitamin B content. The duo enables fat that has been stored in the body to be converted to energy and ultimately assists in weight loss. One tablespoon of this juice every day, 20 minutes before meals for at least two weeks should do the trick.
As I write, I instantly remember my grandma's cerasee tea, so bitter, yuck - but very effective. This is one of the most popular herbs in Jamaica and has been used to treat a number of ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, skin conditions, parasitic worms, belly pains, menstrual problems, and also as purge for the body and the blood.
Needless to say, it ultimately leads to weight loss as it cleanses the body and is considered to be a great fat-burner. This can be had as a tea by boiling the leaves. Commercially packaged teas are also available. It is recommended to be taken for only nine days and then you take a break as sustained use could cause possible liver damage.
Rosemary assists in increasing the metabolic rate and aids with digestion and weight loss and can be had at any time of the day. Be sure not to have it on an empty stomach though.
Tumeric, also called turmeric, is considered to be a great body fat burner. It can be boiled and had as tea, and in its powdered form act as a spice that can be added to meat dishes and other recipes. It is also considered to be a “warming spice” that increases body heat and its metabolism.
And finally, the prized...
Pictured above, this is another herb that is popularly grown in Jamaica and can be found just about anywhere on the island.
It is also called “vervine” by locals and considered to have numerous health benefits including respiratory health, digestive system health, nervous system health and women’s health.
It is a considered to be a great stress-reliever and will thus cause a reduction in appetite and ultimately weight loss.
By the way, Cinnamon, Vervain and Tumeric are among many of these wonder herbs are now available on my e-store. You can take a look at the options here.
Got it? Well now you know! Share this new knowledge with someone right now.
And while on herbs, join me on this farm tour with JahB where everything here is 100% organic! Click here to watch the video (also embedded below).
Thanks for the helpful healthy highlights of benefiting from Jamaica's amazing plants.
I found that when a went on a plant-based "live-it" (not di-et) to rebalance my body from a grim stage 4 cancer diagnosis into health that my extra 60 'obese' pounds dropped right off as well.
Give thanks, now 7.5 years later I am enjoying life more than ever. I also love watching the farm video again and again. It makes my heart smile. Keep up the good work, Wellesley.
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About The Author
A patriotic Jamaican who adores its culture, Wellesley has been using this medium to share what he calls 'the uniqueness of Jamaica with the world' since April 2007.
To date, he serves over 9,300 unique readers / viewers per day (and over 1.1millon page views monthly)
efforts have earned this site featured positions in local publications,
including the Jamaica Gleaner's Hospitality Jamaica, Carlong Publishers,
as well as recognition from numerous prestigious international agencies
and universities. Read more about him here.
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