Jamaican Games - The Good Ole' Stuff
by My-Island-Jamaica.com
Jamaican Ring Games
Playing Marbles
Uncle Playing Dominos
I was reading a little book called Jamaican Games & Riddles that brought back some really wonderful memories.
It reminded me of some of our most fun games here in Jamaica; the stuff we did when there were no DVDs, cellphones, iphones, ipads, computers, tablets, cable TV, and in some cases, no TV at all!
And they worked well!
In fact many of us think that these made us more social than we are today.
Here is a list of a few of them. Check them out.
And please share with your family and friends; try a few out too if you can :-)
- BlueBird
- Brown Girl In the Ring
- Bull In A Pen
- Chinese My Knees
- Chinese Skip
- Cricket
- Dandy Shandy
- Dolly House
- Farmers In The Dell
- Follow The Arrow
- Football (Soccer)
- Gig Spinning
- Grandmother
- Hide An' Seek
- Hopscotch
- I Am In The Well
- Jox
- Kite Flying
- Lickle Miss S
- Mama Lashi
- Marbles
- Drinks Box Truck
- May I
- Mother Upstairs
- My Mother, Your Mother
- Netball
- Old Mack Donald
- Overhead Sightings
- Peanut Butter Mix It Up
- Police & Thief
- Punchinella Little Fella
- Race
- Red Light
- Riddim
- Ring A Ring A Rosie
- Room For Rent
- Run An' Ketch
- See, See, My Baby
- Shame, Shame
- Skipping
- Soldier
- Starvy
- Story Time
- Stuckie
- Sword Inna Han
- Treasure Hunt
- Two Little Blackbirds
- Unna Munna

So how much of them do you remember? Which was your favourite? Share your
comment below.
See also:
Anansi tales,
Jamaican folk tales and
Jamaican proverbs