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by Suzette Campbell
(Pennsylvania, USA)


Some sey banana
Ah plantain still
Same family
Inna bungle
Wi belly it fill

Yellow peel
And slice
Fry inna hot oil
Mi sey di taste pon yuh tongue
All sweet when it boil

Yuh ever try bake it
Lawddd anneda taste dat,
Mi seh plaintain good
Kiss mi wats it not,

Guh wid every plate
Ackee and salfish
Curry goat, oxtail
Sardines and rice,

All type ah jerk,
Dutty gyal and spice,
Alongside callaloo
Ital, rasta man sey it nice

Wedda brekfast or lunch
Dinner time too
All fi snack
Plantain chips
Fi you

Plantain plantain
All inna soup
Yuh lick yuh finger
Nuh wan share wid who

Ah suh it sweet
Yuh nyam more dan two
Nuff benefit it carry
Vitamin K is glue

Minerals mi seh
Yuh body fine tune
From young to old
Plantain cyaa dun
Caz as it deh fry
Di smell mek yuh

Run come
Mama dun cook
Yuh faas fi si ah true
How much plantain fry
Yuh eye buck
Wid stew,,,peas and rice
Lawddd mi belly
Cuckoo cuckoo

Mi love my plantain fry
Or boil
Wah bout you
As yuh dun nyam
Yuh plantain
Sweet nuh true
Yuh belly full up
Yuh mout just cool"

(c)2017 Copyright All Rights Reserved
By Suzette Campbell aka Poetic Prophetess

More on Jamaican food here.

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