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Tasty Jamaican Patty

by Cidikhcieyed

Tasty Jamaican Patties

Tasty Jamaican Patties

A Jamaican patty is a pastry that contains various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, often tinted golden yellow with an egg yolk mixture or turmeric. It is made like a turnover but is more savory.

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Jamaican Apples


Jamaican Apples -just bought at the market

Jamaican Apples -just bought at the market

...with notes extracted from our facebook fan page at

Beverley: delicious

Lorna Moore: yummy..could bit into them right

Jason Lindo: Dawn dem look sweet

Jay Cole-Davis: wow its been a while since I've seen these - mouthwatering

Kerry-Ann Chocltdiva Rose: Can u overnight me one

Shell Lecia: i am so hating u right now!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love U too @Shell :-) :Yup, a sugar dem @Jason.

Shell Lecia: u just dont kno,... i will trade u a scandal bag full of ours for one of urs?

Sweets Morant: Immediately i am Short of Breath. I can't stand it, I want some of those Apples nowwwwwwwwwww

Shantel Love: lawd god mi miss dem mi wish mi could get some to buy abroad

Paulette Folkes: So because u know seh mi deh so far ina di people dem country yu waa come tempt mi well mi nuh like yu and yu can eat dem mi have some foreign apple downstairs and mi ago bruise up mi mouth wid u mus have nightmare tinite, watch caa u too wicked, why u nuh ship dem to England that mi can enjoy to..enjoy yu self!!!

Judith Smith: Ohhhhhhh I loved these n still do....uh uh uh... I wish I could get one right now....,Not fair what ur doing to us!!!

Deron Kerr: Wow....oh my gosh.....why are you torturing me are evil...whenever i come home they are either not fit or the season is over are not being fair....i guess i will just have to bruised my mouth as Paulette said....I really miss home....

Donovan Mcintosh: yu ever bite one adem and the juice just run dun yu hand?

Anita Sneed: I never had one but you all are making my mouth water the way your all talking about these apples ;) someone send me one . . .overnite delevery lol !!

Kris Gehrke Hulbert: nummmmmmmmmmm...:)

Wayne Davis: Wow I mis them apples

Caren Edwards: wow i would like to eat some now. i miss them so much

Paula Singh: Mouth watering.......... sunripe fruits

Noreen Valentine: They are the best apples ever, I hardly comment on this page..but them apples made my mouth..wa..wa...waterrrr. Truss

Noreen Valentine: They are the best apples ever, I hardly comment on this page..but them apples made my mouth..wa..wa...waterrrr. Truss

Suzette Daley: am longing to eat some can yu bring me one next time yu go down??????,lol,lol,lol,lol,because just seeing the pic. is not helping me am geting depress rite now. lol.,lol,lol,,,,,,,,

Lorna Moore: ‎````I want ONE..pleeeezeeeeee!!!

Kerry Maria Lawson: I sent a response yesterday, but it ended up in another post. I'm still trying 2remember if I ever ate them. been playing on my mind. Just woke up- Is the flesh of these apples white and the taste sweet but not too sweet as well as mouthwatering,? as my subconscience mind may have brought memories back slightly- Only way to be sure is to send me some. lol

Vivien Fischer: yummy yummy, only 10 weeks left and i can eat this apples again. jippy

Tana Gibson: wow wowwow!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss those lovely apples when i was pregnant i was craven for them can get them here in brixton markek but fluxy ah ah

Michael Brown: MOUTH-WATERING!

Annmarie P Ramsay: Yum yum y do wi not get these fruits in USA?

Jacqueline Levy: oh my god didn't eat any about 3years now , mi like wen then ripe till them black .

Racquel Chambers: havent eaten one of those apples in 30yrs

Bari Blaxx: Armstrong Jamaica apples taste good when ripe till dem black.

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Fresh Cut Cane

by Cynthia
(Washington, DC)

Fresh cut cane

Fresh cut cane

Getting some fresh cut cane.

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The Jamaican roadside soup vendor

by Wellesley
(Montego Bay,Jamaica)

Jamaican roadside soup vendor

Jamaican roadside soup vendor

Soupie, as we call him, positions his cart just outside our workplace

And typical of many Jamaican "soupie's", he not only sells soups but deletable porridge as well, and that's what I look forward to - I mean the porridge.

He tends to supply any two of: plantain porridge, hominy porridge and peanut porridge, on a daily basis. Believe me, they are all nice but my favourite (for now) is the hominy :-)

Roadside food vendors is very popular in Jamaica by the way, especially those that sells the famous Jamaican Jerk!

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Juicy Jamaican Steamed Fish with Okra

by Wellesley

Jamaican Steamed Fish with Okra

Jamaican Steamed Fish with Okra

This is a 'must share' for me because not only do I love steamed fish, the presentation totally grabbed me.

Moreover, Jamaicans love their steamed fish, with Okra & crackers - ask any Jamaican man :-)

We were eating out as the Sky Beach Bar & Grill Restaurant in Hopewell, Hanover, Jamaica.

Looks delicious isn't it?

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