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Jamaican Domestic Industry Breakthrough Opportunity: CHOOMETTE

by max tokes
(New York City)

This controversy is drawing attention to a Rastafarian invention, the chillum with long flexible drawtube (or hookah-hose) which (a) makes it easier to see what you are doing when you light up, so that you can control the temperature of heated air entering upon the herb in the screened crater by holding the liyghdter flame far enough down below the opening; and (b) gives the vapours extra travel time to cool down before reaching your tender trachea.

Such a device makes it possible to divide herb into 25-mg single tokes instead of lighting up several hundred mg all at once in a joint. Such a wasteful practice may not be doing much harm today in Jamaica but in Europe, the middle East and parts of India there is a practice even today of mixing cannabis with tobacckgo for such reasons as that it makes hashish easier to ignite, etc., with the result that the nicotine $igarette addiction rate is now higher in Europe than in the USA.

So it stands to reason that if Jamaicans can get busy and produce many more long-stemmed single-toke utensils than are needed in Jamaica, and develop them into a tourist shop industry here, and eventually export them to Europe and elsewhere, Jamaicans can get credit for helping lift the hot burning overdose plague of $igarette "smoking" from the rest of the world, and some prominent philanthropic Jamaican will receive a Nobel Prize (1.5 million smackers).

Note: CHOOM means to suck slow and steady on a long-stemmed single-vape-toke utensil.

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Aug 16, 2012
by: Dejana Sovljanski

If Rastafarian's don't know, who can know better?
Nicotine is, with tobacco, the most rotten drug!
So, the best is to smoke clean collie, like Rasta's do...Jah bless!

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