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Jamaican Doctor vs Barbadian Lawyer #BestJokes

by Wellesley

Hold on to your seats, this is a thriller! My uncle Toney shared it with me recently. True or not true, I am not sure, but is is hilarious!

A Jamaican Doctor can't find a job after graduation and so decided to open a clinic and puts a sign post outside:


A Barbadian lawyer thinks this is a great opportunity to earn $100,000 and goes to the clinic...

Bajan Lawyer:
"I have lost my sense of taste"

Jamaican Doctor:
"Nurse, bring medicine from box No. 22 and put 3 drops in patient's mouth"

Baja lawyer:
"Ugh..this is kerosene oil"

Jamaican Doctor:
"Congrats, your sense of taste is restored.
Give me $20,000.

The annoyed Bajan lawyer goes back after a few days to recover his money.

Bajan Lawyer:
"I have lost my memory. I cannot remember anything"

Jamaican Doctor:
"Nurse, bring medicine from box No. 22 and put 3 drops in his mouth"

Bajan Lawyer (annoyed):
"This is kerosene. You gave this to me last time for restoring my taste"

Jamaican Doctor:
"Congrats. You got your memory back. Give me $20,000"
The fuming Bajan Lawyer pays him, and then comes back a week later determined to get back $100,000.

Bajan Lawyer:
"My eyesight has become very weak"

Jamaican Doctor:
"Well, I don't have any medicine for that, so take this $100,000"

The Bajan Lawyer (staring at the cash):
"But this is $20,000, not $100,000"

Jamaican Doctor:
"Congrats, your eyesight is restored. Give me $20,000

You can't beat a Jamaican man!

Don't laugh alone, put a smile on someone's face by sharing, (link below) ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Comments for Jamaican Doctor vs Barbadian Lawyer #BestJokes

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Jan 17, 2018
so clean ahahahahah
by: TheOriginalBobMarley69

This joke is so clean, i laugh evry tiem hahahah

Jan 14, 2018
Jamaican Doctor and Bajan Lawyer
by: Miss Dups

I enjoyed this joke so much about the lawyer and the doctor. Clean good jokes are great, Thank you.

Nov 14, 2017
Great Joke!
by: Anonymous

Ha ha ha ha hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah can't stop laughing. Sharing with friends. Ha; smart jJamaican!

Nov 13, 2017
Jamaican Dr. vs Barbadian Lawyer
by: AMavis

VERY FUNNY It is so funny and clean I will share it with the family of all ages . It also has great moral lessons.DO NOT LIE .


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