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Jamaican Breadfruit

by Denise Salmon

Jamaican Breadfruit - Roasted.

Jamaican Breadfruit - Roasted.

Did you know that breadfruit is considered an almost complete meal?

This is because it provides many of the core nutrition including minerals that are needed by our bodies: proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium!

Also, you might already know that it is popularly served with our national dish, ackee and saltfish, after it has been roasted -stove top or 'classic' via the wood fire outside; But did you know that sometimes after the breadfruit has been baked and cooled, it is peeled and cut in two equal halves, the middle is removed, and that cavity is filled with cooked ackee and saltfish or cooked callaloo?

We also use breadfruit used in soups - cooked. It is also served as a part of many other Jamaican meals. This boiled one is also quite tasty!


Breadfruit was brought to Jamaica by British Seaman, Captain Bligh, who traveled aboard the HMS Providence in 1793. It was brought from the Pacific region (Tahiti).

It is said tha the first tree was planted in the Bath Botanical Gardens here on the island and after a while more trees were planted in other parishes parishes. It was used primarily as food for the slave population.

Forget about their initial reasons, today, it is one of the most versatile fruits available in the world - and certainly in Jamaica. The trees grow to a height of approximately 80 feet and can produce way over 100 to 150 fruits per crop.

The breadfruit season runs from May and August. Thanks, Captain "Breadfruit Bligh" for bringing us breadfruit!

Other love it roasted, then fried but I love it roasted - steaming with ripe pear :-)

So how do YOU like to have your Jamaican breadfruit? Share it via the comments link below.

See also: Pictures Of Jamaican Food & History Of Jamaica

Comments for Jamaican Breadfruit

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Mar 21, 2021
by: Anonymous

I love it roasted and eat with pear. I love the green one cooked in red bean soup with salted pick tail

Aug 11, 2020
by: Marva

I love my breadfruit roasted ripe or turn. Nothing sweet like that and add some ackee and saltfish with crispy pork skin.

Feb 22, 2018
Types of breadfruit
by: Anonymous

There are four types of breadfruit. They include :

Yellow heart
White heart
Prickly walled
St. Kitts

Reference- Breadfruit in Jamaica by Seymour A. Webster

Jan 12, 2014
by: Anita

I know of white heart breadfruit for boiling in soups or boil with other vegs, and yellow heart has a slightly sweeter flavour , and that's for roasting.

Oct 11, 2013
cassava breadfruit
by: Anonymous

one of them is called cassava

Oct 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

Only White Heart and Yellow Heart. I know of so far

Oct 11, 2013
Types of Breafruits in Jamaica
by: Admin

Does anyone know the different types of breadfruit in Jamaica? Can you please share them here?

Oct 07, 2013
Roasted breadfruit
by: Fay smiley

I thoroughly enjoy my breadfruit roasted after it has slightly started into the ripening process.....
If I remember correctly "turn" was how one describes it.
Then with Ackee and salt fish joy

Sep 02, 2013
I like it fried.
by: Anonymous

Roast it and then fry it for me.

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