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Jamaican Book - Jamaica Mi Paradise Launched

by Denise

"A deeper sense of appreciation for what we have as Jamaicans could go a far way in helping us to create a better future for ourselves and future generations".

It is this problem I am seeking to fix, why I pursued a courses in writing for children and creative writing. I still do other courses from time to time so I am constantly improving my skills.

My new e book "Jamaica Mi Paradise" tells about the paradise I call home. It is available at

All the little things that I took for granted most of the times; I didn't realize they were so special until I had a serious accident and had to leave Jamaica for 10 months.

I missed the mangoes so badly, and when my friends bought some for me they just didn't taste right. The same thing happened when they bought me bun and cheese for Easter.

I missed the beaches, the birds and the friendly neighbors who are always taking care of me. And I could go on and on about the many things that caused me to feel the need to return to Jamaica, but I think you understand.

My new friends were asking me to stay in their country but I just could not do that. Because for me life is more beautiful when it is simple. Money is very important but the best things in life are free.

Yes the crime is bad. But the food is great. It heals the body and the mind. I believe Jamaica will be restored to it's former glory, because our anthem is a prayer.

So we are constantly praying for our land. If we could find a way to put aside the bad things for a while and do all we can to make the good things even better. I believe a lot would change.

Right now I think the way we are treating our environment and our tourism industry is wrong. If we continue on this path we will have nothing to earn from in the future.

We are destroying our coral reefs and our beaches. We are allowing too many big hotels to take all the business and the small hotels are losing.

A lot more also needs to be done to get our children involved. They need to learn more about Jamaica's heritage and culture.

Children who grow with a deeper sense of appreciation for what they have will know how to use it to create jobs for themselves when they grow up. They will not sit around and depend on the government to provide everything for them.

The countries economy would benefit a lot from having young people who are patriotic and hard working. That is why I have developed a series of books for the children so they can read about our attractions, heritage sites and our culture.

The first book "Fun in Jamaica-Ocho Rios" was published by Pelican Publishers in 2010. It is now available at

It tells the story of a little girl who had so much fun, when she spent her vacation with her parents in Ocho Rios.

When more of my books are sold I will be able to publish the rest of the books in the series for the children. I also want to be able to tell the children why reading is so important, because it will help them to do better in their exams at all times.
The television and the games cannot do that for them and we should not wait until they fail their exams to make a change.

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