Jamaican Animals - Myths and Legends
by Renee Morris
Yes, many Jamaicans do have fear of some animals - some of which you might be shocked to hear about.
Jamaican Iguana
Many people are afraid of these relatively large reptiles here. Many believe, perhaps because of their physical look, that they are dangerous. But quite the opposite, this reptile is pretty harmless.
It would appear that a small number or Jamaicans the iguana as has their pet but the majority of others abuse them, hence there low population count.
Jamaican iguanas can be found at the Hope Gordon zoo. And yes, it is Jamaica’s largest lizard.
Jamaican Bull Frog
The Jamaican Bull Frog or Toad is also one of the animals that Jamaicans fear. Most people are afraid of them because they say that the frog contains a substance in its body that the frog normally spits out.
If this substance should ever catch you it can actually cause your skin to rash or have a burn.
Truth is yes, this substance that the frog contains has some acidic components that can burn the skin (it is a defense mechanism) but it will not do you much harm.
Although it is said that if you ever caught up in a situation where a frog spits on you, you should seek medical attention to be on the safe side.
The Jamaican Bull Frog actually plays a very important role in the environment though. It feeds on flies and those disgusting mosquitos.
Jamaican GaliWasp
The Galiwasp is a very dangerous reptile - that's the typical response you will get if you ask any Jamaican. Many will say that if a Galiwasp (also called Gala Wasp) should bite you, you must run to the nearest water that you can find before it reaches there, or else you will die.
But nothing like that! All a myth! In fact no lizard can do you any harm so if a galiwasp should bite you there is no need to panic.
Jamaican Croaking Lizard
The Jamaican Croaking Lizard has a very soft cream color and is pretty harmless, but not in the eyes of many Jamaicans.
Unfortunately, these lizard are killed on a daily basis because people believe that the croaking lizard carry spirits.
They mostly come out at night when the time is much cooler. They do feed on flies and mosquitoes as well.
I hope you found this enlightening :-)
Editor's NoteSo what other Jamaican myth do you know about?
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Plants And Animals In Jamaica