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The Jamaica National Flower
The Lignum Vitae

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Jamaica National Flower: Lignum Vitae  FlowerJamaica National Flower | Lignum Vitae Flower

Many visitors to the island of Jamaica or those just learning about the island often ask if the Hibiscus flowers is our national flower? It makes sense for them to ask of course, because the hibiscus flowers grows wildly on the island and is often displayed in books, art pieces, plays etc. as a huge part of Jamaica. However regardless of it's popularity, the title of the national flower actually belongs to the Lignum Vitae, a much less popular and seemingly, sometimes forgotten flower. 

According our sources at the JIS, The Lignum Vitae, the Jamaica National Flower, was found here by Christopher Columbus. Its' name, when translated from Latin, means “wood of life” – probably adopted because of its medicinal qualities.

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Have you ever wondered how This became the national flower?

A select committee known as the National Flower Committee was first created with the Cabinet's agreement to provide suggestions for the selection of a National Flower. Later, it was requested that they expand their efforts to include selecting three national symbols: a tree, a fruit, and a bird.

The Jamaica Horticultural Society was deliberating on selecting a National Flower from around the year 1959, a condensed list of 14 flowers had been created and distributed widely so public relations could gauge public opinion and take them into consideration.

The National Flower Committee received a recommendation from the Horticultural Society that the Lignum Vitae be chosen as Jamaica's national flower. This recommendation was accepted.

The national flower, Lignum Vitae, is not just pretty to look at though. It has a variety of uses and benefits.

The short, compact tree is native to continental tropical American and the West Indies. In Jamaica it grows best in the dry woodland along the north and south coasts of the Jamaica.

The plant is extremely ornamental, producing an attractive blue flower and orange-yellow fruit, while its crown has an attractive rounded shape. Its small purple blossom is what we label as Jamaica's national flower!

The tree is one of the most useful in the world. The body, gum, bark, fruit, leaves and blossom all serve some useful purpose. In fact, the tree has been regarded for its medicinal properties. The leaf of the plant is used for rubbing on cuts and insect bites by many people particularly those in the St. Elizabeth are of Jamaica.

A gum (gum guaiac) obtained from its resin was once regarded as a purgative. It was exported to Europe from the early sixteenth century as a remedy (combined with mercury) for syphilis and has also been used as a remedy for gout. The wood was once used as propeller shaft bearings in nearly all the ships sailing the ‘Seven Seas’.

Because of this, Lignum Vitae and Jamaica are closely associated in shipyards worldwide. It is a very heavy wood which will sink in water.

Because of its toughness it is used for items such as mortars, mallets, pulleys and batons carried by policemen. It is also used for furniture.

Jamaica National Flower: Lignum Vitae Tree

It is said that The lignum vitae is found in very few other locations around the world because they survive only in dry, arid climates.

Read more interesting facts on Jamaica on my 'Interesting Facts on Jamaica Page. Be sure to also get an overview of the plants in Jamaica.

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