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Rocky's Taxi And Tours
Our Preferred Jamaica Island Tours Company

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Jamaica Island Tours - Roxy with Clients At Dunn River

Looking to experience the most memorable Jamaica island tours?

I'm happy to introduce to you my friend, and one of the most trusted host on the Jamaican landscape... Rocky of Rocky's Taxi And Tours.

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About Rocky & Rocky Tours

I happen to know the family personally (was classmate and good friend of his wife) but I decided to hop over to Trip Advisor to see what others were saying about Rocky's Taxi And Tours.

And believe me the comments were astounding. All the ratings were positive. In fact 99.55% of the visitors rated Rocky's as either excellent and very good!

And the adjectives that kept recurring were: safe, professionalreliable and on time, yes 'on time' - not 'Jamaica time' :-)

Very impressive, wouldn't you agree?

Best Jamaica Island Tours Driver - Rocky Of Rocky's Tours And Taxi Service

Rocky (Roxroy Lawrence) is one of those tour drivers you would consider to be 'foundation' - in Jamaican terminology.

He has been serving Negril and the wider Jamaican travel and tourism industry since 1986 as a prefered cab driver. 

In 2010 however, he 'graduated' into what we now know as Rocky Taxi and Tours Service. And they developed their website in 2011.

That website has propelled the business to new and even higher dimensions!

At the time of writing this page, Rocky's Taxi And Tours was ranked an amazing #2 of 78 tours and activities in Negril!

Note: Tours to other parts of the island can be discussed.



As the winner of four consecutive Trip Advisor's Certificate Of Excellence awards (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014), you would expect that Rocky Taxi And Tours is differentiated, and they do.


Today, they offer all the following services:

  1. Airport Transportation
  2. Cruise Ship Transportation
  3. Private Taxi Service
  4. Hotel To Hotel Transfers
  5. Adventures and Tours 
  6. Shopping Trips &
  7. Weddings Transportation

They also have an exciting (now flagship service) called Rocky Thursday Group Tours where pickups are done from various hotels in the Negril area for an exciting South Coast Adventure.

That tour includes the famous Black River Safari, YS Falls and The Pelican Bar- nested in the middle of the ocean.

Famous Clients

How could not mention to you some of Rocky's famous clients?


Here are just a few:

  • Rock 104
  • Samuel Ford
  • Johnny Depp (Pirate of the Caribbean)
  • BEIN Sports Network
  • Jack Diamond (The Puppet Master)
  • The Jamaica Waterslide Team (from USA) & 
  • The Hedo Amigos and Switch Hitters.
Rock 104, clients of rocky tours

And by the way, ABA Transportes Travel Group also contracts Rocky's to carry their executive clients; most of who travel to Jamaica for conferences, conventions or corporate meetings.


Contact Information

Rocky and his team will make sure that you are well taken care of (like the hundreds before you) and can be depended on to help you select the best and safest Jamaica island tours.

To instantly contact Rocky's Tours Taxi & Tours please use this form (below) ...

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

You may also reach them via the following lines:

Office (JA):  1 876-648-1877 
Office (US): 1 305-848-8389
Mobile:        1 876-370-7915 

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External Link: Rocky's Taxi And Tours

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