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Jamaica Woo Daegu!

by Wellesley

Usain Bolt Winning Men's 200m Final in Daegu - 2011

Usain Bolt Winning Men's 200m Final in Daegu - 2011

I assume that by now you would have heard the news, right?

Well, Jamaica certainly made its mark on the South Korean city of Daegu, and by extension Asia and the rest of the world (again) by our athletic performance.

(It is probably in almost every national newspaper today!)

We (a tiny dot on the world map) finished a respectable 4th in the medals tally, copping 9 medals - four gold, four silver and one bronze. That's only behind American (25), Russia (19)& Kenya (17).

And by the way, this included a scintillating world record run (37.04 seconds) by the men's 4 X 100 relay team - the very last event of the 13 IAAF World Athletics Championships 2011.

I can't imagine the organizers hoping for a more fitting end.

That team comprised Nester Carter, Michael Frater, Yohan Blake and Usain Bolt!

The other gold medals came from the ever dependable Veronica Campbell-Brown (women's 200m), Yohan Blake (men's 100m) and Usain Bolt (men's 200m).

To be in the top 4, even above the great Germany, Britain and China is an amazing feat! Well done Jamaica!

Good time to remind you that Jamaican is not only about the great beaches, beautiful sights, delectable food and the alluring reggae music, we have lots more.... :-)

Here's one of our newspapers article with more information, but feel free to go ahead do your own Google search on "Jamaica Team in Daegu 2011" for even more.

See yah!

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Sep 21, 2011
proud Jamaican
by: Anonymous

I am a proud Jamaican too I believe we can be top of the medal table one day soon. We are that good and we are getting better

Sep 07, 2011
One Caribbean
by: Brenton

Very well done Jamaica on your athletic prowess in the recent World games in Daegu, let's also congratulate our Caribbean brothers and sisters from Trinidad, St.Kitts and Nevis too.

Sep 06, 2011
Daegu 2011
by: Cheryl

I know the whole world is ever fixated on Gold, Gold, Gold but i was hoping that someone, somewhere would mention the other medals that were garnered.

Our girls did extremely well in women's relay placing second.

Melaine Walker came second

Sherika Williams and others who also gave us medals which placed us 4th overall and the only Caribbean country which was you know, 'up there'

So please folks lets not be wholly focussed on those who got gold, remember those too who got other medals too...

thats me signing out

Sep 06, 2011
Yeah Jamaica!!
by: Patti

Awesome accomplishments in these championships games!

2012 is going to be The Year that shows the entire world just how fine the people of Jamaica really are...just amazing athletes with pure talent and strength!

We love Jamaica and her people! Go Jamaica!!!

Sep 06, 2011
by: Thelma

I was right there. Can't be more proud of the team and Usain. No words can say how proud I am.

Sep 06, 2011
congats to the extra big boys.
by: Anonymous

yes jamaica men got it all the way round .congrats and keep up the excellent work.

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