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by Wellesley

It's a long time in coming but it's aaaaalmost here my friends, finally :-)<br>I mean in just a matter of weeks!

It's a long time in coming but it's aaaaalmost here my friends, finally :-)
I mean in just a matter of weeks!

The highly demanded, eagerly anticipated...


-Downloadable & In Print!

New! The Insider Guide is here! Click Here access it now!

If you who have been around with me for a while then you will know about how much I really wanted to share this information with you, and despite the disappointments,drawbacks and hurdles, it's finally here (well almost!)


That's easy. There are probably hundreds or thousands of website sharing information on Jamaica already, yes, but how much of those persons do you think really know Jamaica?

Moreover not many of those writers even come to Jamaica, left alone live in Jamaica.

The internet made it easy for them to read, copy and paste - it's the truth! Well, I am a Jamaican, and lived here all my life!

...That should answer that question :-)

I'll share with you the VERY BEST of Jamaica - from my own lens, from those who actually came here before and from my local friends and family here.

jamaica insider guide

Lot's of stuff! I've condensed hundreds of pages of information into a nicely packaged, simple and easy to read (and printable) guide that includes information, recommendations, cautions and tips & tricks on:

  • How to get around - safely and cheap.
  • How to save money (even while spending)
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Exciting local events & happenings
  • Best attractions, accommodation, beaches, restaurants & eateries (like "Likkle Ochie" :-)
  • Nightlife and even...
  • Tipping - without offending anyone (yes).
  • etc. etc. etc. :-)

All from a native (and average) Jamaican.

Forget the all-inclusive life, it's everything you'll need to ensure you have a complete, safe, less expensive and still an awesome vacation in Jamaica - whether you are a local or visitor.

Note: There will be a few sweet bonuses as well, including the Top Fun Activities for Kids and some of the best tours available on the island!

It will be available an as e-book and in print; I am finalizing the details for the print publishing as I talk to you right now.


So, if you have not subscribed to us, do so right now (in the box below)...

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I promise to use it only to send you My Island Jamaica Digest.

Subscribe (above) now, this way you'll NOT miss it!

I have a number of fans who just can't wait!
So what do you think about the idea?
Drop me a line here now. I'll respond to you soon after.

...gone to get more work done :-)


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Nov 16, 2014
by: Robert

Great idea. List us in your guide! We are the best kept secret! Lovely guesthouse nestled up in the rural Blue Mountains of St. Andrew Jamaica. Just an hours drive from the city streets of Kingston. Check us out on Facebook.

Happy Travels!

Nov 16, 2014
by: Robert Williams

List us in your Jamaicas Insider Guide! We are the best kept secret! Nestled up in the Blue Mountains of St. Andrew is Prince Valley Guest House...check us out on Facebook.

Happy Travels!
Prince Valley Guest House

Apr 29, 2012
by: Wellesley

Thanks for all the love my friends; it's getting closer now :-)

Apr 29, 2012
New reader
by: Andy

Hi Wellesley all the way from the uk , to day as been the wettest day of the year with 50 to 60 mile winds and cold and the month of may is going to be unusually colder ,well bring on October that's when we will be spending 14 fantastic days in Jamaica 7 in montego bay and the next 7 in negril , so can not wait for your new Jamaica insider guide, so keep up the good work.

Apr 27, 2012
trip & Tip
by: Jessica

I dont tip if I dont feel the need. i hate going to the wharf and everybody wants a tip although their shirts clearly display NO TIPPING. resorts are worst its like you employed them. some are genuinely nice & are thankful you tip them

Apr 27, 2012
Bravo Jamaica
by: Martin

Eagerly waiting for the Jamaica Insider Guide.

Apr 27, 2012
i am happy for u and the baby
by: Anonymous

as u know ialways happy for u and the kids ur agood guy and i care a lot about u i wish i could have ur personal e mail god bless.

Apr 26, 2012
by: Jodi

Hi Wellesley,

Not sure what you want comments on? The topics? Our insights that may enhance the guide?

I was one of those 30+ tourists who moved to JA and worked there for over 12 years and became a citizen but, because of a horrendous automobile accident, returned to Jamaica for health care.

So, let me know regarding the comments.

Apr 26, 2012
Enjoy this Website
by: Ricky

This website is very useful looking for info About Jamaica.

Apr 26, 2012
Enjoy this Website
by: Ricky

This website is very useful looking for info About Jamaica.

Apr 26, 2012
I love this website an all the info
by: Sonya

Hello Everyone!
Please be sure an an check out this educational an resourceful information because it is all very valuable to a traveler an a travel agency sending clients on visits to Jamrock..

Apr 26, 2012
Tips & Tricks
by: Sue Hummelbaugh

I am about to be traveling to Jamaica on my 4th visit May 5th - Can't wait. Have had no problems but do like to travel around and see the "real" countryside and am really looking forward to the tips you have. About a year ago we did go on an excursion to a cave w/mineral springs/can't remember the name but will never forget the experience - quite different/some pushy guides that tried to get lots of money from us but we made it out of there ok - not complaining Really wish we could have just enjoyed the mineral springs though (there was some sort of religious group blocking it and singing?) But have been to Ochos Rio's/Dunn's falls of course & gardens/ run a way bay area/Negril - black river on tours - rum factory - YS Falls 2 times - Glistening Waters (LOVE IT)will go back to that also - Montigo Bay too. Thanks for all the updates!

Apr 26, 2012
First of many
by: Andy

Just started to read your pages and so much information ,we a party of four will be in your lovely jamaica in october and a a firsts visit there and
can not wait ,still all good things are worth waiting for.This is just a short comment and will not be the last.

Apr 26, 2012
The island jewel of the Caribbean
by: Rick McElrea

I have lived in ten countries and holidayed in sixty. Nothing beats the diversity of Jamaica.

Azure blue beaches to lush green mountains. In 16 months I have driven 28000km on an island that is 230km long tip to tip and 85km at the widest point. I hiked up the 7400 Blue Mountain Peak, wandered along many beaches, and SCUBA dived deep below the sea.

A favourite place is Cinchona Botanic Garden at over 5000 feet. Come for ecotourism, come for the mountains, but come mostly for the huge smiles on the Jamaican people.Stay in five star hotels and resorts or adventure to one star cottages; there is so much to do.

Drink directly from the coconuts; eat the mangoes. My favourite juices are Sorel and JunePlum. What are yours?
Rick; Chelsea Quebec, Canada

Apr 26, 2012
Waiting For Your Insider Guide to Jamaica
by: Danika Dahl

Hi Wellesly! Looking forward to your Insider's Guide on Jamaica. Keep working on it! :-)

I know it's a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end...sharing your love of Jamaica with the world.

Keep working hard, stay focused, and I'll be looking forward to your secret tips in your new Jamaica Insider Guide! :-)

Danika Dahl

Sharing my love of Delray Beach, Florida on a daily basis...just like you do with Jamaica!

Apr 26, 2012
Blessings for Yendi and baby
by: Anonymous

Fornication is the road to marriage. Especially in the church!! Have your baby my girl. You need no one's permission. May God bless you on this part of your journey and grant you a safe pregnancy and an uneventful delivery.
If the media wants sensation let them focus on the women who are married and wilfully having children that are not their husband's. 100% of the time they have good men. Nothing wrong with the man. The problem is the wo-man.
May God protect you and your unborn child Yendi. Love you. i hope this message will get to you.

Apr 26, 2012
by: Terri R.


"Cautions" is a great feature for the Ezine. Many travelers are asking questions and offering advice on topics like "Is Jamaica safe?" Jamaica is as safe as you want it to be.

There is a risk in walking alone in isolated areas or on deserted beaches. Don't do this. Don't get drunk and go to the ATM at night. Follow security procedures the same as you would in your home country and you will have a great time.

Apr 26, 2012
Jamaica Insider Guide
by: Marcia -Jamaican Brownin

Wellesley, Glad fi know seh you come up with the Jamaica Insider Guide so that the Tourist will have a better view and understanding when visiting our little island call Jamaica. Mi proud a you mi brother. Keep up the good work and all the best to you and family.Work like this needs to be rewarded but discipline determines destiny so once you discipline yourself to help people that's where your destiny lies. Luv ya! Congrats on the JAMAICA INSIDER GUIDE.

Apr 20, 2012
Jamaica Insider Guide
by: Shandra

Can't wait to see the Guide - long overdue!!

Big up.


Apr 16, 2012
About Time!
by: Andrew

Can't wait...

Apr 10, 2012
Jamaica Insider Guide
by: Anonymous

Way to go my brother, attitude determing altitude, you deserve where you have reached. Big up yourself with the launching of your Insider Guide. Mi love yu!

Apr 10, 2012
Jamaica Insider Guide
by: Anonymous

Way to go my brother, attitude determing altitude, you deserve where you have reached. Big up yourself with the launching of your Insider Guide. Mi love yu!

Apr 09, 2012
Mi cyann wait fi see it
by: Jim

After 18 years of traveling around Jamaica I have come to understand many things, but a guide like this will be of value to me, as well as, someone who has never visited the best island in the world. Big up bossman!

Apr 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

Hi Wesley

As you are I am looking forward to your insider guide.



Apr 08, 2012
Wellesley I am overly excited about your Jamaica Insider Guide!!!
by: Karrie

Wellesley, I have always found my-island-jamaica to be a very informative and inspirational website. There is something about the way you write that always leave me and countless others wanting for more. I can't wait to see your latest effort with your new Jamaica Insider Guide revealed.

I just know it will be your best work yet! Good going!

Apr 08, 2012
You are not an average Jamaican!
by: Lady Roots

Nothing average about you, Idren! You are WAAAAYY above average! Blessed love

Apr 08, 2012
You are not an average Jamaican!
by: Lady Roots

Nothing average about you, Idren! You are WAAAAYY above average! Blessed love

Apr 07, 2012
by: leonie

I always look forward to whatever you post because you're an inspiration with love and thanks.

Apr 07, 2012
Looking Forward to it!
by: Nici

He Wellesley!

Just filling this in to let you know how much I am looking forward to the insider guide. My boyfriend and I are planning on honeymooning in Jamaica in January 2015 so I want to get to know everything I can about the place before we get there. I look forward to your emails as they bring a lot of sunshine into the day! Have just joined you on Facebook and I tell people about this site all the time. Glad your recent absence has been to create the insider guide and not because you are ill! Look forward to hearing from your soon,
Nici xxx

Wow, how nice, thanks Nici!

Apr 07, 2012
Love the feedback
by: Wellesley

Lori: It should be out before the end of May!
Stay close my friend.

Frank: Great feedback my friend -24 times?! I need to speak to you when you get here :-) I am hoping it's soon.

Rosie, Abdulla and Terri: Yes, you'll appreciate it my friends.

Apr 06, 2012
My home away from home.
by: Frank Tatem

I can't wait. I love Jamaica. I have been there 24 times over the years starting in 1973. I have seen a good portion of the coast and even some of the finest moutain senery,waterfalls and caves. I have met many people up in the moutains who are so friendly.

I once met a Jamaican women that told us to come stay with her the next time i were to come to Jamaica. I would love to spend the rest of my life in Jamaica.

I am enjoying your emails. I remember the first time that i went to Dunns River Falls. There was only a few other people in the falls.

We even went up the falls without a guide, just a special Jamaican friend that I first met in 1973.

I even went to the south coast and saw Lover's Leap way before most tourists knew about it.

The first time i went to Negril beach we walked out on the beach and the only thing you could see was 7 miles of white sand beach. No hotels.

Gods willing I will return to Jamaica to visit and see my friends.

Apr 06, 2012
Jamaica guide
by: Rosie

I think it's great :)

Apr 06, 2012
by: abdallah shareef

yea Mon!me a luv wht yuh doin...and me support tht.big up 2 u and big up 2 me luv Jamaica.

Apr 06, 2012
I am excited about this
by: Anonymous

when can i get a copy ?
I am getting married on April 28th and looking at all your information for things to do and places to stay while there for a few months. I will be retiring in Jamaica in a few years but until then I am counting on you to keep me updated. thank you

:) Lori from Canada

Apr 05, 2012
Jamaica Insider Guide
by: Terri R

Look forward to the guide coming out.

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