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Jamaica Election 2016, Now Fever Pitched! (+ Where & How To Vote)

by Wellesley

The date is set!

In only a few days (February 25, 2016), Jamaicans will decide who we want to govern the affairs of this nation for the next five (5) years.

And right now, the campaigning is even more intense!

On one hand, we have a party pulling all the stops to unseat the incumbent (with the theme, "From Poverty To Prosperity"), and on the other, a party hellbent on remaining in power (with the theme - "Step Up The Progress").

A recent article, "Let them eat Goats", summarized it well, with a bit of history and recent developments.

By all indications, it appears that it will be another closely contested election between those two major political parties, the governing Peoples National Party (PNP) and the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP).

And their glossy manifestos are out!

With both parties trumpeting their plans to make Jamaica better; the JLP's '10 point plan' vs the PNP's '21 Steps To Progress'.

The governing PNP had a minor lead, and had the momentum, according to national polls, but it appears that with their decision not to participate in the national political debates, the feeling on the streets is that the populace is somewhat disappointed and so the opposition, JLP, might benefit from that - primarily from the uncommitted.

And the tit-for-tat continues, with both parties sounding claims, counterclaims, allegations and counter allegations.

One of the major topics on the campaign trails is the funding for the Opposition leader's house, which we understood was one of the reasons the ruling PNP choose not to participate in any debate with the JLP.

How effective will that strategy be for the ruling PNP though? That is left to be seen.

As usual, we welcome your comments below.

P.S. Remember to check your name on the voters list below.

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Please note that Election Day workers, Military Personnel and Police officers will vote elsewhere on the day specially designated for them.


HOW TO VOTE, REGULAR WAY (Click Image To Zoom)

how to vote in jamaica - the old way


how to vote in jamaica - new system

Comments for Jamaica Election 2016, Now Fever Pitched! (+ Where & How To Vote)

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Feb 22, 2016
The JLP is the best option, right now
by: Pauline

Good day to you too Wellesley,

Although I am back in England I am still watching the election closely. I was raised following the PNP party as a child, but after PJ Patterson took over and killed the ethos that the PNP party stood for I no longer support their views...then when PJ Patterson handed over leadership to Portia Simpson without a proper formal ballot within the PNP party many of the issues that are presently happening in Jamaica has been the result of careless attitude of the PNP ministers who seem only interested in lining their pockets and making sure they have a home situated in the States where many of them still reside and only come back to the island for major meetings.

I am now a strong supporter of the JLP party as their interests are to build Jamaica and to give prosperity to all its citizens and not like it's counterpart the PNP who only interests are to the oversea investments from China, Germany that not one single Jamaican citizen actually benefits from.

So yes I am praying that the citizens of Jamaica finally wake up and do the right thing and vote in the party that wants the best for them and not the party that is selling off Jamaica under their feets. That for me is the only party to consider - Jamaica Labour Party.

Pauline xx

Feb 22, 2016
by: elcj

I believe that a good debate by both parties concerning the issues and plans to rectify these issues would be edifying and beneficial for the voters to make a clear and concise choice. Peacefully done!

Feb 21, 2016
Improvements for Jamaicans
by: Rajean

No matter which party is running it is obvious that the current leader is not very effective. Jamaicans need a leader that put the people first by improving employment, housing opportunities, and getbrid if compounds living quarters. Poor ir middle class deserves decent housing and jobs.

Feb 21, 2016
CHANGE is comming.
by: George.

My comment is simple "Jamaicans needs A CHANGE IN GOVERNMENT".

Feb 21, 2016
for future
by: Anonymous

I follow these election and again to much violence. Lasted election for chrismas and for once very quiet, only in Mandeville bombing pastor house ( same me in Mandeville, its not me!!!!!!!!) why war back this year ????
after i hope jamaica know one big economic start, anyone win and more easy for me for obtain my jamaican nationaly by vertue ot marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 21, 2016
Upcoming Elections
by: Ron Taylor

Let's have a NON-VIOLENT series of events, before, and after.
Above all, may the winners DO GOOD for Jamaica.

Feb 21, 2016
by: Samdeka

Yes a little but Andrew's compilation if a manifesto is unrealistic though i can't say much as the PNP has not put every detail out there and there's was simple and i think a bit maybe do-able or realistic because they want to strengthen the school feeding programme and that'd be good....among other things but starting from there would be an extremely good start especially for those less fortunate...

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