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"Jamaica Celebrates" - Remembering 1962 Independence!

by Wellesley
(Montego Bay, Jamaica)

Just before midnight on August 5, 1962, the British Union Jack was lowered and the Jamaican flag raised for the first time, marking Jamaica's independence and the dawn of a new era.

The national parade, flag-raising ceremony and fireworks were held at the National Stadium with the evening's events beginning at 11 p.m.

More than 20,000 people gathered at the venue for the night's celebrations.

At one and a half minutes to midnight, the first verse of the British anthem was played. The lights on the 60-foot pylons were put out and darkness descended upon the arena.

In the hush that followed, the Union Jack, which waved over Jamaica for 307 years, was hauled down.

Then 30 seconds to midnight, the lights came on again and the Jamaican flag was raised to the top of the flagpole.

Then, both verses of the national anthem were played. (Sadeke Brooks, Jamaica Gleaner Reporter, 8/2/09)

Here is an intriguing publication (thanks Brenton), celebrating this huge milestone!

Please share with other Jamaican interests -links below.

See Also: Important Dates And Events In Jamaica's History

Comments for "Jamaica Celebrates" - Remembering 1962 Independence!

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Aug 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

Fabulous cake & great poster with it too.

Aug 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

Huge mistake Jamaica ever made.

Aug 07, 2016
Missing You & Home after 19 Long Time
by: Eric

I was born in Lineal in 1949, grew up in Port Royal. Went to Kingston College for 4 years, but due to family issues my mother took my younger brother and I to the UK where I finished my schooling.

I am now 67 years old - been in the British Army, worked as a Social Worker, specialized in helping and assisting young people, for the last 30 years.

After all of this I realise that with all the successes I've had in my life - MY SOUL STILL RESIDE IN JAMAICA - So BLESS UP TO ALL MY JA BRETHREN & SISTRENS. GUIDANCE FROM ABOVE & ONE LOVE TO YOU ALL

Aug 07, 2016
One Love
by: Lisa

Just wanted to wish my sister's and brothers of Jamaica a Blessed and Happy Independence Day. Lots of love from the Bahamian Princess.

Aug 07, 2016
Jamaica theme lesson
by: Anonymous

This gave me another topic for discussion with my preschooolers as we are doing a Caribbean Island study for
the Summer, and my classroom is 'JAMAICA.' Thanks :-)

Jan 16, 2012
by: Anonymous

If you are in New York on August 4, 2012, celebrate Jamaica's 50th Independence with Jamaica's King of Comedy, Oliver Samuels, joined by many of his friends. For more info please check the website at: You can also find more info on Facebook at,

Jul 16, 2010
by: Anonymous

the biggest mistake Jamaica as ever made

Mar 15, 2010
by: Anonymous

jamacia is the most crazy place ever seen

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