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Is It Worth Going To Jamaica In May?

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Is It Worth Going To Jamaica In May?Is It Worth Going To Jamaica In May?

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

What does a vacation mean to you? If for you, it means tranquillity with little to no crowds, then you may want to consider visiting Jamaica in May. Now while it is true that it is great all year round on our little tropical island, here are some reasons why it is worth going to Jamaica in May.

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The Off Season!

May is part of our off-season in Jamaica, which started around mid-April, which means you can enjoy fewer tourist crowds and lower prices. After the high season ends, lodging rates drop significantly, making it the perfect time to visit if you are on a budget or looking to save.

You can find great deals on accommodations and all-inclusive resorts, allowing you to enjoy the island's beauty without breaking the bank. Plus, with fewer crowds, you can relax and explore Jamaica at your own pace.

The Weather

Jamaica's weather in May is warm and inviting, with average temperatures around 86°F (30°C), it’s not as scorching hot. The ocean temperature is pleasant at about 82°F (28°C), perfect for swimming and water activities. While the chance of rain is slightly higher compared to the winter months, it usually comes in brief showers, leaving plenty of time for outdoor fun if you so desire.

If you prefer indoor activities or staying at an all-inclusive resort, the rainy season is also ideal for spa treatments, dining, and entertainment within the resort.


While lobster is out of season in May, conch open season officially begins, offering a delicious alternative for seafood lovers. You can enjoy a variety of conch dishes, from conch fritters to conch salad, conch soup and the must-have, curry conch.

Intriguing Events and Festivals

Speaking of food. May in Jamaica has non-stop cultural events and festivals celebrating the island's rich heritage. One of the most popular events is the Jamaican Curry Festival, where you can sample various curried dishes, including chicken, shrimp, goat, and even fruits like mangoes. It's a fantastic opportunity to experience the diverse culinary talents of Jamaica.

Another unique event in May is the Annual Taino Day, celebrated on May 5th, held in honour of the indigenous people of Jamaica. The Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) hosts this event at the Seville Heritage Park in St. Ann, with free admission for everyone. The event features performances, displays, and educational activities that delve into Jamaica's history.

If you're a fitness enthusiast or just looking for a fun way to give back, the MoBay City Night Run is a great event to participate in. This charity run offers 5K and 10K races, attracting participants from all over the island. It's a great way to get active while supporting education in Jamaica. Plus there is a concert at the end of the race that is always quite entertaining.

For theatre lovers, Jamaica's National Pantomime will be a treat. The season runs from December through May, and the pantomime is a delightful mix of musical comedy, satire, and Jamaican folklore. With vibrant costumes and sets, it's a family-friendly experience that showcases Jamaican creativity and humour.

Mother's Day and Public Holidays

May is also when we celebrate Mother's Day, making it an excellent time to take your mother to Jamaica for a special getaway. Treat her to a relaxing stay at an all-inclusive resort, enjoy a spa day, or explore the beautiful flora and fauna together. It's a unique way to celebrate and create lasting memories with your Mom.

We also observe Labour Day, a public holiday, on May 23rd. Keep in mind that businesses may close early, and public beaches can be crowded on this day. However, it's a fantastic opportunity to witness just how seriously we take our public holidays and how we celebrate. Check out this article for more on Labour Day In Jamaica.

So is it worth going to Jamaica in May? Absolutely. With fewer tourists, comfortable weather, unique events, and the opportunity to celebrate Mother's Day in a tropical paradise, there's something for everyone. Whether you prefer relaxing at an all-inclusive resort or exploring our vibrant culture, May is the perfect time to visit and experience what Jamaica has in store.

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References & Sources For Is It Worth Going To Jamaica In May?

  1. Jamaica in May: What’s it like to visit Jamaica in May (2023) Mais Oui Villa. Available at: (Accessed: 11 May 2024).
  2. Morrow, K. (2023) Best time to go to Jamaica: Complete guide: Beaches, Here Comes The Sun: Beaches Resorts Travel & Lifestyle Blog. Available at: (Accessed: 11 May 2024).

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