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Is There A Walmart In Jamaica?

Did you know that Jamaica gets the majority of its visitors from the USA? Oh yes. But that inevitably means that our visitors come to expect much of America here as well! And we are seeing more and more of that? Today's question is, yes, 'Is there a Walmart in Jamaica'?

The answer is No, but here's my full response, including some recommendations.

Is there a Walmart in Jamaica?

ANSWER: by Wellesley

Thanks for this question.

No, there is no Walmart in Jamaica, and there are no Target stores either, certainly not at the time of my response.

Can I assume that the reason you are asking is for budget items? Or is it for a one stop supply of convenience goods?

Either way, we have great options my friend, depending on where you are at, or will be staying. And they'll likely have the popular American brands too.

In Kingston, the capital city, Price Mart and Mega Mart provide great options.

mega mart montego bay - no walmart in jamaica

hilo_food_store_montego bay - no walmart in jamaica

They may not have every item as a Walmart, but I assure you they'll likely have what you need, from pharmaceutical to haberdashery and convenience items.

In Montego Bay, there is also a MegaMart located conveniently in Catherine Hall Plaza.

But your options are not limited to them either, there are other reputable supermarket chains that provides a wide array of supplies that you would get at Walmart, these include HiLO, Progressive, Souverieign and Super Plus.

The larger gas stations, as well as big pharmacies like Fontana provides great options too. Fontana is currently doing very well, and has stores in Mandeville, Montego Bay, Kingston, Ocho Rios and Savanna La Mar.

Thanks again for your question! I hope this helps.

You may also take a look at my shopping in Jamaica page for tips and guidelines on general touristy shopping in Jamaica.

Of course, if you have any further questions, or need direct recommendations, please don't hesitate to contact me here.

As usual, I welcome your comments here.


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Comments for Is There A Walmart In Jamaica?

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Jan 06, 2022
Grocery stores
by: Sugga

I looked up Walmart in Jamaica and came across this page. I disagree on your assumption that people are wanting Walmart goods when visiting Jamaica. I visited a few years ago and was very disappointed to find so many American brands in the grocery stores. I wanted something different. Yes I wanted some basics like almond milk and yogurt but not American brands.

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