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I want to start an online business - is SBI right for me?

by Detlef Fahrtmann
(Pattaya, Thailand)


Hello Wellesley,

I read a lot of your website pages about Jamaica.
I like your site and I really think about to also built a website.

I live in Thailand and I think it is a good idea to make a site about holiday in Thailand or about the thai islands, do you think it is a good idea ?

Where I have some problems is the fact that on your website and also on the SBI Website are many old comments, articles and sample pages from 2002 to 2009, but nothing or only few after this years.

It look same the Websites are not up to date.

You are still activate with your website and you still earn income from this site ?
I like to hear from you.

ANSWER: by Wellesley January, 2013

Hi Detlef,
Thanks for stopping by my website and for your question about my web business.

I say "Go for it"!

If you have a passion for your country (Thailand) or anything else for that matter, then SBI can help you make decent money from it - without you learning all the 'techy' stuff.

I have been running my site since 2007 and it continues to grow ever year.

In fact, as I write my website is a PR4 Google Rank! I noticed the upgrade a few weeks ago.

And the money keeps coming in (primarily Adsense), except for a lull period in mid 2013.

You asked about the old pages on the site?

Funny enough that is probably one of the advantage of the SBI system; you write your pages once and they get found in the search engines year after year.

Yes, there are some pages that I update - and will need to be updated, depending on the type of information on the page (eg. latest news or seasonal info).

But for the most part, I just keep on churning out fresh new pages (see my blog here) - which allow me to get found on new keywords, which means more traffic and more cha-ching! :-)

Take a look at this free video that SBI has. It will provide you some great information on how exactly SBI works.

I look forward to welcoming you to the SBI family soon.

Note: By the way, they do have a special going now where if you purchase SBI before a given deadline, you get a second SBI subscription -free.

Click here to visit the SBI homepage for more information.

Founder and CEO,

P.S. See also: How To Start An Online Business With SBI

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